Example sentences of "and [conj] a woman " in BNC.

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1 Ortega promised that at the next congress , scheduled for 1995 , the DN would be elected by individual votes directly cast in a secret ballot and that a woman would be elected to the leadership .
2 On Sept. 2 All-India Radio reported that Pakistani forces had been shelling the Punch sector in Jammu and Kashmir since Aug. 26 and that a woman and two children had been killed .
3 These are tiny freedoms , and if a woman enjoys being part of a couple , they should count for nothing .
4 The verse in the Bible which has been most misquoted and misunderstood is Leviticus 15.19 , which says : ‘ And if a woman have an issue , and her issue in her flesh be blood , she shall be in her impurity seven days ; and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even . ’
5 Following the menopause , hair texture becomes very coarse and if a woman has a predisposition to genetic hair loss , or her hair has been thinning , this can be a crucial time .
6 And if a woman is tackling strenuous , dirty , physical tasks , she does not want to bother about presenting a pleasing picture ; clothes suitable for the job are a priority above a glamorous image .
7 And if a woman ( or man for that matter ) devotes , say eight years to the care of two children , there remain at least thirty more years of outside earning capacity .
8 Legal abortion is available here in a grudging way ; and if a woman is refused one for any reason , her only resort is a private operation if she 's determined to control her own body — or to go ahead and have the baby .
9 And if a woman wanted to marry you ? ’
10 Clearly many men are as capable of deep love and attachment as women , but usually more of their emotional energy is invested in their world of work outside the home , and unless a woman also has an outside career role and some interests separate from his , she relies much more on her husband for her happiness and fulfilment than he does on her .
11 O Sister , Sister ! if ever you marry , beware of a sullen , silent Sot , one that 's always musing , but never thinks : — There 's some Diversion in a talking Blockhead : and since a Woman must wear Chains , I wou 'd have the Pleasure of hearing 'em rattle a little .
12 ‘ . When a man says he will follow him ‘ but let me first say farewell to those at my home ’ , Jesus reprimands him , and when a woman cries out ‘ Blessed is the womb that bore you , and the breasts that you sucked ’ , he replies ‘ Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God ’ .
13 I started work with a fishmonger or a hawker rather r round the streets and when a woman cried over the window for fish I ran up the stairs and delivered it .
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