Example sentences of "and [adv] gave [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These paper notes , redeemable in gold or silver were transferable and thus gave rise to the use of paper money in England .
2 The ground was steep , and soon gave way to the cemetery .
3 ( Steel was an old acquaintance of the Ceauşescus ' and once gave Nicolae a dog .
4 But if the theory was mathematically consistent and always gave predictions that agreed with observations , we could be reasonably confident that it was the right one .
5 The former included the North-West regional diploma in special needs , the first example of a course developed in total partnership between a university and a polytechnic which allowed students to take modules from either institution and also gave credit recognition to specific Open University and LEA courses .
6 Allen made his shop a centre of such activities , and also gave instruction in the use of instruments .
7 But thoughts of the administrative foul-up were far away last month when Mr Wright handed over Darlington 's peace offering and also gave sets of Kwik Cricket to schoolchildren at two Bridgetown primary schools .
8 In most respects , it was a real parliament and often gave government ministers , collectively and individually , a hard time ( Schneider , 1990 , pp. 30–9 ; Smith , 1992 , pp. 132–6 ) .
9 Fortunately some soldiers felt real responsibility for their officers and often gave gifts in kind if they did n't have any spare cash .
10 Sir Benjamin Brodie , in an obituary address to the Royal Medicochirurgical Society ( of which Coleman had been a member ) said he though Coleman 's intellect was of a high order , and even gave indications of genius .
11 The increasingly urgent political situation at home and abroad gave Marxism an appropriate context .
12 Owers played his first full game for three months in the derby win over Middlesbrough and then gave boss Malcolm Crosby a welcome cup final headache .
13 The porter pulled out his knife , slashed the corpse , and then gave Ranulf 's arm a small nick on the wrist .
14 She hesitated for a second and then gave Russell her home number .
15 The most famous of these figures , ‘ Doc ’ in Street Corner Society ( Whyte 1955 ) , certainly became an assistant to Bill Whyte , and indeed gave Whyte another ethical problem , as both he and Doc came to see that Doc 's behaviour had changed as a result of Whyte 's work .
16 As the Conservative party is on the point of becoming the third party in a four-party country at the by-election later this week , is it not time that the Government stopped giving Scotland what it does not want — nuclear waste and nuclear energy — and instead gave Scotland what it wants , which is direct encouragement for renewable energies in a country which the Minister himself described as rich in potential for such developments ?
17 Thus in Marsh and Another v Hodgson ( 1974 ) Grim LR 35 both parents were present when their daughter suffered extensive injuries and , although they remained silent under questioning and neither gave evidence at trial , both were convicted .
18 The studio system that had allowed film to become a vibrant force commercially and aesthetically gave way to a newly wrought independence .
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