Example sentences of "and [pron] reach [art] " in BNC.

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1 After some zigging and zagging , Adrian Scanlon and I reached the golf course outside Carrick-on-Shannon , said to lie on the old Woodbrook estate .
2 Associated with this trend is intra-generational social mobility of parents between the birth of a child and its reaching the age of 18 .
3 This can be seen in the demands for some form of parliamentary control of the making and carrying-out of foreign policy which became more frequent in one or two European states from the end of the nineteenth century and which reached a peak during and just after the First World War .
4 Step across a small cobbled square , just minutes from the Piazza Venezia , and you reach the simple but welcoming Hotel Bolivar .
5 I told him and we reached the CHAB studios with only a few moments to settle Mr Murray before the microphone and be ready for the red light signifying we were ‘ on the air ’ .
6 They discussed and they reached a conclusion ; as a result a new church school — Curry Rivel Parochial School — was built in Church Street in 1876 , the year in which the first of two Acts was passed making school attendance compulsory .
7 Murray grabbed him under the ribs and they reached the bottom of the stairs .
8 On and on they flew until day turned into dusk and they reached the big supermarket on the edge of the town .
9 Rain hoped it would not happen and they reached the coffee before it did .
10 A snaking black corridor takes the audience along to claim their prizes , and they reach the final chamber to claim a glass of Guinness .
11 and he reached a stage of heavy dependence on Lloyd George ; Birkenhead found it more congenial to work with men of ideas like Churchill than with the squires who would fill out a Unionist ministry ; Balfour had always striven to practise government by agreement .
12 At last the steep slope flattened and he reached the saddle scattered with quartz .
13 When the girl and he reached the platform , the train was in .
14 He also referred to the case of the three railwaymen , dismissed for refusing to join a trade union , who had succeeded before the Court of Human Rights and he reached the conclusion that the relevant article of the Convention was ‘ part of the law of England or at any rate the same as the law of England ’ .
15 Gradually , all was revealed that is , people , including the authorities and the KGB , realized that the Odd-Bod Greek who had spent all those years collecting the ‘ rubbish ’ that no-one needed had in fact made a collection that was now worth a great deal of money , and it reached a point when it became awkward living in Moscow with the collection .
16 Word was now about that the mines were available , and it reached the ears of a Cornishman acting as resident agent or manager , at the great lead mines at Grassington , in Yorkshire .
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