Example sentences of "and [verb] myself in " in BNC.

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1 If human communication were a simple matter of reciprocally exchanged words , if words had no resonances beyond themselves , I might have been proud to be cast in such a role , and either self-confident enough in my ability to fulfil it , or else realistic enough to modify my directives and declare myself in favour of some more modest role .
2 I moved to a different phase and involved myself in witch-like pursuits , looking for a special spell ( they had already told me what it was to be ) .
3 That was a bit of a shock , cos I was dreaming about summat about a train and Marie going away , and then suddenly I came to and found myself in the station .
4 I wandered into the wholesale office of a big tobacco factory , and found myself in a dark panelled Victorian world of snuff counters , old polished scales for weighing out ounces of baccy and a snug with settle chairs .
5 I went on , confident of my compass , but becoming less so , and found myself in the middle of a disused airfield , among landing markers , gutted buildings and a wrecked radar scanner .
6 I awoke , and found myself in a cold hillside .
7 I did my best to oppose er , these new er , schemes and found myself in the majority of one quite often .
8 I slipped past the dozing duo , and found myself in a labyrinth of corridors .
9 As a Ballyclare supporter I was not sure which fans to join in the final but thankfully I went to the South stand and found myself in the middle of the most friendly people I have ever met in my whole life .
10 It was a bit stiff , and squeaked , but I went through it and found myself in yet another garden , a smaller , even more enclosed one , with higher walls , a bit like an old Tudor tennis court .
11 I stripped off , laid my clothes out to dry in the sun , and cooled myself in the loch ; then , standing on a rock , I surveyed the magnificent view , sure that the effort involved in reaching the loch had been more than repaid by its utter peace and serenity .
12 I stared around , sweating , wishing I could go and lock myself in my nice safe ship .
13 Well I 'll go and lock myself in a hotel room next week .
14 I left him , sunk in bliss , and busied myself in the kitchen .
15 Within a few moments I had been directed to the Gasthof zur Alte Post and installed myself in a tiny room which was to cost about £12 for the night , including breakfast .
16 I simply said that if I had the money and was able to pay my fare and support myself in America , I would accompany him .
17 If the university had been , say , in Vermont , I would have agreed to go and would somehow have found the money to pay my fare and support myself in America — and interpret for Jean-Claude .
18 On another occasion , failing to observe the line of the road , I shot straight into a farmyard and buried myself in a haystack .
19 I had brave ideas of taking forever off and immersing myself in motherhood but , after 10 months , I could n't wait to get back , ’ she says .
20 ‘ I could go upstairs this minute and drape myself in gold chains and beautiful bracelets . ’
21 I genuflected before the winking sanctuary lamp and concealed myself in one of the side chapels .
22 Most days when it is severe , I simply get up and immerse myself in work .
23 ‘ I was always drifting off and losing myself in my head , which I suppose is no different to anyone else except I carried it further , wrote it all down . ’
24 I got on the train and settled myself in a corner compartment with my back to the engine , feeling pissed and happy as the carriages rolled out of Victoria towards Clapham Junction and the South Coast .
25 Since there was nothing I could do about what was happening to my body , I decided — not altogether consciously — to ignore it and to interest myself in other , more spiritual matters .
26 The two customers thought this hilarious ; as I turned to leave , and saw myself in the mirror , I joined in the laughter .
27 Whereas before I had more or less ignored the game and engaged myself in gossipy conversation with whoever was E ) laying opposite me , I now began to act out a parody of the ludicrous pastime in which I found myself , tackling everyone in sight , yelling for the ball to be passed to me , jumping up and down , and generally getting in everyone 's way .
28 And I stepped out of the bath and wrapped myself in one of the big white towels in which these places specialize , and , with an innocence born no doubt of the habit of the past , opened the door .
29 I 've made lots of forties and fifties but not the big hundreds that get you noticed , ’ strangely adding , ‘ I want to improve my fielding and establish myself in the one-day game . ’
30 I ought to be on holiday , but I was n't : this was merely a brief interlude before I had to report to that wretched banker and enmesh myself in a host of false relationships in the Ingard office , to try to discover — what ?
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