Example sentences of "and [verb] themselves as " in BNC.

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1 In the same debate Mr Mellor restated the government 's intention of encouraging local authorities to make greater use of the private and voluntary sectors and to see themselves as enablers rather than providers .
2 To all this , modern man has now added creatures from outer-space which can be grouped under the general category of UFOs ( Unidentified Flying Objects ) , some of which have reputedly landed and disguised themselves as human beings .
3 Former land owners could still gain full compensation for land up to a value of 1,000,000 forint if they undertook to cultivate the land for five years and registered themselves as entrepreneurs under a system of " entrepreneurial assistance " .
4 It is indeed the case that both of these " new branches " professed an orthodox Arminian theology and regarded themselves as movements within rather than against the Church of England .
5 Friends literally reason together in order to organise experience and to define themselves as persons .
6 So , in making their denials , they often make unseemly proclamations about their own heterosexuality , in the worst cases ( only too common ) dis-associating themselves from ‘ radical feminists ’ ( read lesbians ) and presenting themselves as the ones who are the reasonable moderates .
7 I analyse the various types of experiential modalities , and in particular the manner in which objects are targeted , and present themselves as objects to our evidential consciousness .
8 AT A RECENT MEETING of the Women 's Institute in London , women were urged to shed a major symbol of male supremacy and patriarchy — their married names — and value themselves as independent members of society .
9 A local feudal family , the Balšići , seized their opportunity and established themselves as rulers of Zeta .
10 They shared the community 's commitment to education and saw themselves as the vanguard of it .
11 Although it is a group undertaking , the residential will provide the means for students to be assessed and to assess themselves as individuals .
12 On satisfactory completion of the period of apprenticeship , trainee solicitors are entitled to be formally admitted as solicitors and to describe themselves as such .
13 Those hardy souls in the present century who ignore the mysteries and regard themselves as random atoms , moving purposelessly in a world of blind chance , must necessarily behave differently from those who , like so many in the nineteenth century , believed that they inhabited an ordered world in which they had moral duties to perform , even if these were obscurely glimpsed and seldom accomplished .
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