Example sentences of "and [verb] far [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is not a formal legal treatise ; it is intended to help the reader 's awareness of legal issues and to stimulate further study of the subject as necessary .
2 It would be a dramatic touch to say I disappeared from view ; in fact I wish I had , because I would have stayed down there and avoided further embarrassment .
3 Colodense director and general manager Tino Savvas added : ‘ The key issue now is to remain number one and make further progress with our continuous improvement programme .
4 E4.93e ( C3.93a ) 14th Oil Licensing Round : To receive an oral progress report and to agree further action .
5 The demonstrators ' tactic of walking into the police lines , while it was a principled assertion of their right to march , invited the violent response that followed and made further violence much more likely .
6 However , they often have seaweed intertwined in their stems and , where this occurs , the dense cover acts as a check on water movement and encourages further deposition .
7 Texture provides contrast in a room , and adds further interest and another dimension .
8 Chapter 3 describes the staff , the nature of the job , and the skills and knowledge it requires , and adds further detail to the formal organization of pollution control .
9 This is a remarkably small number of cases and needs further examination .
10 It is key to the coordination role that redrafting is kept under control ; it is all too tempting for the various parties to attempt to improve the wording and suggest further amendment without adding material value .
11 Members wishing to acknowledge replies , and urge further action to end torture in Mexico , please write to the above address .
12 They had a good past and a reasonable future , but they were ruined by the highest interest rates this century and an unrealistic exchange rate , which lost them export markets and provided further competition in their home markets .
13 John Cassevetes got the part and thus ended Nicholson 's brief hope of a major starring role , and provided further incentive to the prevailing thought that he should get out of acting .
14 In Kakap , following successful appraisal of the KRA discovery , a 3D seismic programme has been completed too assist in planning for development of the KRA and KG fields and to define further exploration opportunities in this new play .
15 The study concludes that , in order to carry out repairs and prevent further deterioration , heavy lorries will have to be banned from the roads affected , which include a number of A-class trunk routes .
16 The young king had made concessions to appease the rioters and prevent further loss of life and bloody rioting , but within a year , they were revoked by Parliament , and no permanent results were obtained by Wat Tyler 's poll tax revolt .
17 It was while he was away in England , crowning his wife as queen and seeking further material support for the war , that his brother , Thomas , duke of Clarence , was defeated and killed at Bauge , in Anjou , by a Franco-Scottish force on 22 March 1421 .
18 To register your interest in the Club and to receive further information about the first meeting , please contact the address below .
19 The group was formed by the concerted actions of a few individuals in the area of the Yellow Creek , near Middlesboro , Kentucky in an attempt to clean up and prevent further pollution in their local stream which has been contaminated by a local tannery sending the untreated waste from its chemical processing into the sewage treatment plant of the city of Middlesboro .
20 So far the information available is too small to draw any conclusions , but the correlations from the papers in this volume are suggestive and deserve further investigation on a comparative basis .
21 Attacks on geometrically-based theories of vision ( together with the deployment of such examples as the horizontal moon illusion ) provide a theme of common concern to artists , scientists and philosophers and deserve further analysis than Kemp offers .
22 By the late 1920s cattle stealing was of little concern to the authorities , but it underwent a revival with the onset of the depression , and received further impetus in 1936 when various regulations designed to control the movement and sale of cattle were lifted .
23 Reynolds said that despite the considerable economic progress made by Ireland in the past three years , the size of the national debt [ see below ] continued to be a major constraint upon development and prevented further tax concessions .
24 So make sure it 's safe , take your casualty from the cause , you may have to resuscitate , now if a person swallows something by mouth , there 's two types of poisons , one can go by mouth and one is er corrosive and the other is non-corrosive , but at the same time you have a liquid or tablets , now if it 's a corrosive liquid that you have swallowed or somebody has swallowed , it 's burning as it 's going down , and may I say in first aid you never ever on any circumstances make anybody sick er especially poisons , can you imagine if it 's burnt going down it 's probably perforated the food pipe and somebody comes along and overdoses on the water , because you can give sips of water for corrosive , well it 's because you 're trying to keep the airway open , if it 's burning , corrosive is burning you 'll get swelling , so this is why you give sips of water , but if you give too much your casualty will be sick and if it 's burnt going down and perforated the tubes and they 're bringing it up again it 's gon na burn coming up and go into those perforations that and cause further damage .
25 Doctors whose work brings them into contact with detainees owe it to themselves and to the detainee to take the trouble to make a special study of the subject and undertake further training .
26 On 16 January a provincial council of the southern clergy met at St Paul 's and added further impetus and justification to deposition by presenting thirteen of their own complaints or grievances against the king , though none of these concerned an offence peculiar to his reign .
27 The speeches of Lords Cross , Hailsham and Simon in the case are all of some interest and merit further scrutiny .
28 THE Further and Higher Education Bill is now law , clearing the way for polytechnics to be renamed universities and turning further education colleges into independent companies free from local government control .
29 Gustason indicates that this may relate to attitude and shows further evidence on positive attitudes towards both ASL and Manual English among teachers , The problem which arose among deaf teachers was whether it was possible for teachers to use ASL in teaching .
30 We have been able to consolidate our position as the major private label breakfast cereal supplier to the French market and enjoy further growth in other European markets .
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