Example sentences of "and [verb] a eye " in BNC.

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1 She is intelligent , sensitive , and has an eye for an elegant fabric .
2 It felt quite pleasant sitting at a desk , being taught geography and physics again , and keeping an eye on our son .
3 Otherwise the men had passed the time reading and keeping an eye out for aircraft .
4 The first , which was the officially approved response , was ‘ to make the work interesting ’ by developing contacts with shopkeepers and others on the beat , and keeping an eye open for unusual activity …
5 There is still likely to be a considerable extra work load for the daughter or daughter-in-law who is likely to bear the brunt of extra shopping , washing and keeping an eye on the elderly people .
6 Although a library committee of some sort existed before the project invitation , the head reports that : It was no more than three of four people who were simply monitoring the use of the library and keeping an eye on the books that we needed and the way children used the library .
7 I was whistling a medley of Ellingtonia and keeping an eye out for a transport café for breakfast and feeling fairly pleased with myself .
8 Throughout the day those working the lifts and keeping an eye on skiers actually — wait for it — smiled .
9 I noticed that the Barwick men took no chances this time ; as the pole lay in the field it was wired up to an electronic burglar alarm system , but they still took it in turns to sit up and keep an eye on it .
10 I thought you should know and keep an eye on her . ’
11 ‘ If he had any sense he 'd stay here and keep an eye on his daughter , ’ I quipped back .
12 He moves round and keeps an eye .
13 The wife come in she stays up around the corner and keeps an eye on the on a Saturday .
14 By regular pressure washing followed most times with a polish , sticking closely to 150-hour service times and running an eye and rag over everything in any spare moments , explained Mr Holmes .
15 Prepare the above tea and dilute 1:10 with clean , sterile water and use an eye bath .
16 And keep an eye on young Müller . ’
17 She paid an extra dollar a week for Mrs Benson to put Maria to bed and keep an eye on her , but somehow she did n't think that Mrs Benson was all that reliable as a child-watcher .
18 It was Marian 's work to drive the swine out onto the slope and keep an eye on them .
19 Keep it in the quarantine tank , cease medication and keep an eye on it for the next few months .
20 ‘ William , ’ said Tom , ‘ go and keep an eye on Sam .
21 But it is important for parents to be aware and keep an eye on their children . ’
22 Visit garden centres and keep an eye open for reject trees and shrubs .
23 After that walkers need to dress as for an English summer and keep an eye open for thunderstorms .
24 Clive returned to England almost immediately to go into Parliament and keep an eye on East India Company policy in London , but his followers — whose idea of moderation ran on much the same lavish lines — remained in control of Bengal .
25 He will also arrange an agreement that enables you to get back your property when you need it , ensure that the rent is paid regularly , and keep an eye on it generally .
26 She knows that if she had pointed this out to William , and expressed her own wish to take child , and papers , to the Common , William would obligingly have offered to stay at home and chop carrots and peel potatoes and keep an eye on the lamb in the oven .
27 There is no treatment for tumours , but it is best , if possible , to isolate the fish and keep an eye on them .
28 Leave both glasses in the same place and keep an eye on them for about half an hour .
29 Then , make sure Stevie ate his bread , watch Gary to see he did n't pinch the beans off Jenny 's plate , talk to Patrick to see he did n't fall asleep again and keep an eye out for fights , punches , kicks under the table and flying crusts .
30 Do n't ask to borrow their pencil , and keep an eye on your own possessions .
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