Example sentences of "and [verb] [art] moment " in BNC.

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1 The skinny little waiters bow and grin the moment you enter , there are dim lights on heavy red wallpaper , white linen tablecloths , candles , and you get poppadums in your hands in no time at all .
2 The eyes of the world were on them and they savoured , relished and devoured every moment .
3 It does , therefore , seem to follow from Berkeley 's view , that ‘ bodies are annihilated and created every moment , or exist not at all during the intervals between our perception of them ’ .
4 ‘ But Christmas is surely the right moment to try to put it behind us and to find a moment to pray for those , wherever they are , who are doing their best in all sorts of ways to make things better in 1993 . ’
5 But Christmas is surely the right moment to try to put it behind us and to find a moment to pray for those , wherever they are , who are doing their best in all sorts of ways to make things better in 1993 .
6 ‘ But Christmas is surely the right moment to try to put it behind us and to find a moment to pray for those , wherever they are , who are doing their best in all sorts of ways to make things better in 1993 , ’ she said .
7 It sounds posey perhaps , but Althusser says something along the lines of when there are breaks that 's when you have a chance to change things , a chance to nip in through the cracks and grab the moment .
8 They were in the station now , reaching and passing the moment when deceleration made the blurred nameboards legible .
9 To be awarded the Military Cross is a rare honour exemplyfying service to crown and a county and exemplifies a moment of persional bravery and to have that called into doubt is very shocking .
10 It was certainly taller than the other buildings in Anani 's main street and , despite its shabby exterior , I could sense the air of warmth and welcome the moment I passed through the front door .
11 You sound like a distracted mother of ten , ’ laughed Susan , and added a moment later : ‘ Poor Breeze , it 's very hard on you , having all these burdens thrust on your shoulders .
12 She had grown up amongst beautiful clothes , been dressed from childhood in designer fashion , been made to stand still for fittings for her graduation dress and her first ball gown , and hated every moment of it .
13 He went out and returned a moment later with a metal bucket and spade .
14 Through the layers of their clothing she could feel Penry 's heart beating steadily against her back , and dreaded the moment of parting which would come all too soon when they reached journey 's end in Chastlecombe .
15 Lifts also should have a micro sensitive pad at the bottom which means the lift will cut out and stop the moment it touches or lands on anything .
16 He must try and have a moment alone with each of his children before tomorrow morning .
17 And then he had turned his head and seen that Grainne was watching him , and a sudden , surprised joy unfolded within his heart , for there was such desire in her eyes that lights exploded inside his head , and he wanted to stand still and savour the moment .
18 She ignored him , taking a tentative sip from the hot liquid and savouring the moment as the warmth slowly invaded her limbs .
19 She found herself thinking , I have held my fire too long and lost the moment of action .
20 If she was quick , she and Adam could grab a coffee in the refreshments tent and find a moment to talk .
21 And there 's guidance on what you should eat and drink the moment you cross that line .
22 She rang the doorbell , listened to the silence within and felt a moment of panic .
23 She had expected an immediate ‘ no ’ , and felt a moment 's panic when Luke failed at first to respond .
24 And stood waiting , and saw puzzlement touch them , and knew a moment of pure panic .
25 Each line speaks volumes about the lives of the real people ( in the first two instances ) and the characters ( in the third example ) involved , and if ever you feel in need of a cure for insomnia just memorize one of these quotations , take it to bed with you , and try to imagine the events that could have preceded and followed the moment described in each of the brief extracts .
26 Instead he faced one directly , and took a moment longer over the exchange of greetings than was usual even with people whose graciousness is studied " .
27 ‘ No excuses here , Maria , ’ he allowed tautly , and paused a moment before yielding to angry resentment .
28 He put the phone down and had a moment 's doubt .
29 Nicandra opened the door wide and stood a moment , attentive to the breakfast silence into which she was about to break .
30 Yet it flows naturally from the choice of the person and begins the moment that they accept the offer of appointment .
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