Example sentences of "and [noun] pick up " in BNC.

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1 The light from the kitchen window was showing up the faintest of impressions on the paper , and Doyle picked up the pad and examined it more closely .
2 We sat down and Harvey picked up the telephone .
3 Kelly and Forrester picked up knocks on Saturday but are both expected to be fit for Battyburn .
4 ‘ There are only two in there , ’ she said , and Sophie picked up another one .
5 A barrage of punches which started with a swinging left hook left Clarkson on one knee and once the action restarted and Hardy picked up the assault , it was clear the fight would come to a quick conclusion .
6 And Bobby picked up the phone when the phone rang and it was her and she sai erm Bob said yes ?
7 The rest of the legend states that Felix and Regula picked up their heads , waded through the water , and walked up to the hill where the Grossmunster now stands , before expiring .
8 ‘ Overall , the forecasts are for a year of slow recovery from the 1991 recession , with production , demand and imports picking up and exports slowing a little ’ he concluded .
9 The Council 's initiative to set up a multi-professional group to address the borough 's drugs problem was well conceived for it allowed , for the first time , the information and concerns picked up by various parties in relation to heroin to be pulled together .
10 Mick ( Yarm Piscatorials ) started on the groundbait feeder and maggot picking up mainly dace and a sprinkling of roach then , as the tide dropped , switched to the stickfloat down the edge to net the bulk of his winning haul .
11 Though the Greater Manchester pension fund investment had been blocked by Stockport council , the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive was still game , and Everett picked up a cheque for £175,000 from a suspicious representative who demanded proof that he was really the man from Guinness Mahon .
12 It was a mostly garbled , semi-literate report put together by the free-lance Ichaelan spy , largely based on idle remarks and hints and speculations picked up from technicians who had worked on Ardakke .
13 Jan sat on one of our original moquette chairs and Darren picked up the atmosphere and , for the first time since I 'd met him , sat on a chair in silence .
14 The Palace Girls , needless to say , were hungry to start with ; nevertheless they had to exist for seventeen long hours on bananas and chocolate picked up at wayside stations .
15 Lisa settled down with the bulldog clip that held the current day 's orders , and Folly picked up the accounts book .
16 Even in the mid-afternoon there were still copies of most of the morning 's newspapers , and Carson picked up a couple at random .
17 Sophie watched as he led her into the office and Joanna picked up a chair .
18 The local press and radio picked up the story and carried it week after week — for a couple of years the gay struggle was big news for the folks back home .
19 In 1987 detectors in Japan and America picked up a ten-second burst of neutrinos from the collapse of a giant star .
20 What 's more , with so much emphasis placed upon cultivating a creative youth — schools and parents actively promoting music , local radio and TV picking up regional talent , the reasonable cost of good equipment and the ease with which quality demos and records can be made , plus the all-round encouragement young people receive in all recreational pursuits these days — means it was almost certainly harder to break out in those starchy , stifling times than it is now .
21 With Steve Bull suffering from the worst goalscoring drought of his career and Wolves picking up just three points from a possible 21 , Turner faces problems .
22 When the room number and balance pick up check digits are entered they are verified electronically and if incorrect the terminal will reject the entire entry as invalid thus eliminating a common error in posting to guest 's folio .
23 ‘ Thallium , ’ you said , ‘ job for you ! ’ and thallium picked up the papers , simpered , and went out into the world to do your bidding .
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