Example sentences of "of the previous [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , the limit for permitted extensions to industrial buildings is raised from 10 per cent to 20 per cent , subject to a maximum increase in floor area of 750 square metres ( instead of the previous 500 square metres ) .
2 Even then , however , the upturn had served more as a harbinger of better things to come than as the means of eclipsing the recessionary weakness of the previous 11 months .
3 Internationally , where some remnants of the previous bilateral structure still exist , the situation is no better .
4 A company created by conversion is the general successor in title of the previous economic unit .
5 What 's really moved me over the last three or four years , as AIDS has become a major threat in this country , and especially since spring 1985 with the rising public hysteria about it , is that it 's brought out tremendous reserves of strength in lesbians and gay men which show the importance of the achievements of the previous fifteen years .
6 The growing hostility between Richard and the Stanleys after 1484 can be explained in terms of the king 's policies , but it may also have owed something to the frictions of the previous fifteen years .
7 The growing hostility between Richard and the Stanleys after 1484 can be explained in terms of the king 's policies , but it may also have owed something to the frictions of the previous fifteen years .
8 In the end , areas were to be selected for three years ( at NUTS Level III ) according to the following conditions : an unemployment rate higher by at least 15 per cent than the EC average during the previous three years , and industrial employment as a percentage of total employment greater than the EC average in every year of the previous fifteen years .
9 There is certainly a case for subsidy on the social railway , but I am sure that my hon. Friend will agree with the judgment of the previous Labour Government , who said that there was no case for subsidising inter-urban services , nor was there a social case for subsidy with regard to inter-city services .
10 Seven of its members had also been part of the previous Labour administration — Thorvald Stoltenberg , Johan Joergen Holst and Gunhold Oeyangen in identical posts , and Kjell Borgen , Finn Kristensen , Oddrun Petersen and Tove Strand Gerhardsen with different portfolios .
11 Leviticus , a person of such weapon-grade stupidity his mental faculties would probably have improved with the onset of senile dementia , left Scotland because the Conservatives had failed to reverse the Socialist reforms of the previous Labour government : railways still nationalised ; working class breeding like flies now the welfare state existed to prevent the natural culling by disease ; state-owned mines = intolerable .
12 When ( and only when ) five items have accumulated by being added at the end of the previous complete sentence , you reply with the type of shop — in this case obviously a chemist 's shop .
13 Whereas in the 6th edition the re-written §246 dismisses the above as ‘ all my experience permitted me to say at the time … and that his research of the previous five years had wholly solved the difficulties of repetition .
14 However , despite their obvious inability to concentrate and regain the magic form of the previous Five Nations campaign , the French failed to lower their sights .
15 On 4 April 1579 , at the height of the debate about the proposed marriage between Elizabeth and the Duke of Anjou , he reported that the Privy Council had met on each of the previous five days from 8. a.m. until suppertime .
16 Manufacturing output grew by 8 per cent , below the 10 per cent average of the previous five years , and mining by 9 per cent .
17 Labours Immediate Programme summarized the discussions of the previous five years in a form which appealed even to the Left of the Party and to the Communists .
18 The charter is part of a continuing modernisation of the distribution division that has included the reorganisation of the previous five administration regions into four .
19 Bazin replaced the outgoing Prime Minister of the previous army-backed government Jean Jacques Honorat .
20 Social revolutionaries have been keenly aware of the force of nationalism , as well as ideologically committed to national autonomy , even when it is not actually wanted , as among the Lusatian Slavs , whose language is slowly retreating , in spite of the previous admirable efforts of the German Democratic Republic to foster it .
21 This produced a net inflow figure of £1.54 billion-beating the previous best-ever year of 1983–84 and reversing the fortunes of the previous four years when there where net outflows of savings .
22 It meant bad weather played a bigger part than in any of the previous four competitions .
23 Of the previous four victims , three have been killed and one left paralysed .
24 Of the previous four presidents one , Johnson , had been effectively driven from office by the failure of his Vietnam policy ; one , Nixon , had resigned in disgrace and neither Ford nor Carter had been able to cope with the limits on presidential power .
25 SWAPO loyalists were also concerned that top police and intelligence posts went to former security chiefs of the previous transitional government .
26 Several members of the previous transitional government were retained in key posts , including Elias Kwassivi Kpetigo as Minister of Economy and Finance and Abdou Touré Tchiaka as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation , but the Cabinet also included Eyadema aide Yao Komlanvi , the former Interior and Security Minister , as Minister of Territorial Administration and Security .
27 The decline was finally arrested in 1984 ; in the next four years the losses of the previous fourteen were made good !
28 The ducal retinue as it then stood was the creation of the previous fourteen years , during which Gloucester , with royal backing , had built up his power from negligible beginnings to become the acknowledged lord of the north .
29 The ducal retinue as it then stood was the creation of the previous fourteen years , during which Gloucester , with royal backing , had built up his power from negligible beginnings to become the acknowledged lord of the north .
30 All the women were also given a full social interview about their family , employment , housing , financial circumstances , crises , marital relationship , events and difficulties of the previous twelve months .
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