Example sentences of "of the present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is less easily defensible that the practitioners appear to think less deeply about the meaning of the present abundance of data than is the case in many other fields of science .
2 In 1777 , in response to a public petition , Thomas Stapleton of Carlton Towers ( the family home of the present Duke of Norfolk ) , built a bridge to encourage the flax trade and to ease the difficulty of transporting bodies from Carlton by ferry to be buried in Snaith churchyard .
3 As owner of the present home — if Buildings cover is in force .
4 As occupier of the present home and in a personal capacity — if Contents cover is in force .
5 The New Testament message was consistently eschatological , having to do with the end of the present order of things and the coming of something quite new ; and Jesus himself represented the final flowering of the apocalyptic spirit of late Judaism .
6 Youth will not be shackled , because the distortions of the present order will be abolished , utterly abolished ! ’
7 I was gnashing mine at some news from France , received just after another example of the present service from British Telecom .
8 We had asked for the additional cost of providing an extension of the present service to the Cuiken area of Penicuik .
9 Implicit in this argument , though not explored , was the idea that current models of design understanding , with all their weaknesses , were not accidental — that in fact they grew out of the present configuration .
10 The extraordinary intactness of the present find means that gold objects of this type can now be correctly dated and identified .
11 At Rosemarkie in the Black Isle , north-east of Inverness , a remarkable number of stones were found within a few hundred yards of the present Groam House museum , indicating past importance as a tribal and then a religious centre .
12 The crisis of resources in public education has also brought to a head questions about the relevance of the present curriculum , which has been criticized as too academic and élitist , and the rigidity of the education system generally .
13 The 150th anniversary of the birth of the Reverend Doctor Thomas Bowman Stephenson , founder of the National Children 's Home , the 120th Anniversary of the NCH , and the 80th Birthday of the present Chairman of the NCH , that most beloved personality Viscount Tonypandy , have all been celebrated cleverly in order to raise money for the National Children 's home .
14 It was — is , I should say — an old concern , going back to the days of coastal ketches and collier brigs , and was founded by the great-grandfather of the present chairman to bring coal from the Tyne to London .
15 James Stavanger , the father of the present chairman , Andrew Stavanger , ran the business between the wars .
16 The best demonstration of the present scope of econometric analysis in advertising is provided by the biennial IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards competition and the winning case histories published by the IPA under the series title Advertising Works .
17 Because of the present shortage of entrants to general practice , we received only two replies to each of our advertisements .
18 The company has its own customer information system named CARGOLINK and by the end of the present year all the company 's offices will be using this system thus enabling the organisation to control each individual consignment during the transport from booking to final delivery to end user .
19 he has for the aforesaid common good and defence of the realm ordained that as clerks ought not to defend themselves by force of arms , the third part of the present year 's temporalities of prelates and clerks and all persons of holy church , religious and other is to be seized .
20 The minute for the first of April begins " In the spring of the present year a few friends convened themselves together for the purpose of considering the possibility of opening a News & Reading Room . "
21 How much the greater , then , is our obligation towards the author of the present work .
22 Indeed it is perhaps a pity that he did not take his own advice , after writing in the New Guide ‘ for the author of the present work might with greater ease , and probably with more advantage to himself , have worked up for the amusement of the eye a number of drawings and paintings during the time he has been engaged in this matter of mere utility ’ .
23 A natural extension of the present work on hyper-text at Newcastle is to investigate the use of object-oriented data-bases with their claimed suitability for large-scale complex applications .
24 Closely associated with Mareva injunctions , and of direct relevance to the subject-matter of the present work , are orders requiring a defendant to disclose the whereabouts of his assets .
25 For the purposes of the present work , there will be an emphasis on structural differentiation and the availability of industrial products to the mass population , providing a material rather than an evolutionary legitimation for the exclusion , with respect to issues thought to be specific to modernity , of countries without monetary wealth or the necessary degree of equitable distribution .
26 Several of the more extensive areas of analysis of modern consumption will be dealt with quite briefly , since they lie largely outside of the scope of the present work .
27 For the purposes of the present work , it is sufficient to know that by the end of the seventh century a town inhabited mainly by people of Latin culture existed on the site , and that the surrounding countryside was peopled by Slavs .
28 Few ( if any ) earth science review theses are produced , with the possible exception of the small number of D Sc theses , and in the course of the present work , no theses reporting negative results were found , apart from those recording false starts in methodology , or theoretical preconceptions not supported by field evidence , and subsequently modified .
29 The Earl would no doubt be bringing his own personal troops with him , so Seton could take most of the present garrison down with him .
30 ‘ Having parted with my dear flock ’ , he says , ‘ I need not say without mutual sense and tears , I left Mr. Baldwin to live privately among them and oversee them in my stead , and visit them from home to home ; advising them , notwithstanding all the injuries they had received and all the failings of the ministers that preached to them and the defects of the present way of worship , that yet they should keep to the public assemblies and make use of such helps as might be had in public , together with this private help … ‘ ( i.e. r.Baldwin ) .
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