Example sentences of "of the [adj] community " in BNC.

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1 The sum saved is based on a calculation of the average community service costs of all relevant clients at six month and/or 12 month assessment .
2 The cost to my constituents in terms of the average community charge is £170 .
3 Given the response of large sections of the Arab community to the US presence in the Gulf , commentators emphasized that Assad 's strategy was a dangerous one and at the end of August Western press reports stated that large numbers of soldiers had been dispatched to Syria 's eastern frontier with Iraq to put down pro-Iraqi demonstrations and riots .
4 At a time when copper coinage had already been in use for some centuries at the heart of the Han empire , wealthy leaders of the tien community in the southern province of Yunnan were storing hundreds of thousands of cowries in the great bronze drums which were a prominent feature of the Dong-Son culture focussed on northern Indo-China .
5 This clause , largely unnoticed during the passage of the act , led to the setting up of the controversial Community Action Programme ( CAP ) .
6 Unlike the Liberal and Labour parties , which would suffocate my farmers to extinction with an endless stream of unnecessary and unreasonable controls over every aspect of production , thereby putting many of them out of business , the Conservative Government have appreciated the need to protect the environment while giving proper priority to the needs of the agricultural community to remain economically viable .
7 Its new pesticide proposals are regarded as the strictest in the world : " organic " and " biodynamic " farmers are to be seen as pioneers pointing to new chemical-free techniques for the rest of the agricultural community .
8 A similar statement can be made of the presbyterian community , which is almost wholly Northern , and whose main Southern presbytery is in the counties of old Ulster which remain in the Republic — Donegal , Cavan , and Monaghan .
9 ‘ At the very least there is perceived to be an apparent disinclination to contact and involve Church spokesmen in matters like education or to approach the Moderator for his views on the circumstances of the Presbyterian community which is the second largest denomination in Northern Ireland , ’ one leading Churchman said .
10 She did things which were deeply unpopular to a large section of the political community which she was striving to hold together .
11 The draft treaty of the Political Community , with 117 articles , was presented in Strasbourg on 10 March 1953 .
12 Taken to its logical conclusion , this would present the deposition as a side-effect of the political community 's attempt to rid themselves of an unpopular group of upstarts .
13 Similarly , it is difficult to accept that hostility towards the Woodvilles from the rest of the political community was a major issue at the time of Edward 's death .
14 In taking this action , the duke showed himself to be several jumps ahead of the rest of the political community .
15 Although , therefore , Dicey 's sharp distinction between the application and interpretation of statute suffices for most practical purposes , it ultimately breaks down in the face of changing views of the contours of the political community or of serious threats to the central tenets of liberal democracy .
16 The conception of the political community which underlay this exclusive franchise , and the idea that corporate bodies ( rather than individuals ) should be represented , meant that the supporters of the theory and practice of the eighteenth-century constitution held the view that every major legitimate political interest was represented in Parliament — if not directly then at least " virtually " through the broad mix of members from different places and of varying backgrounds .
17 Taken to its logical conclusion , this would present the deposition as a side-effect of the political community 's attempt to rid themselves of an unpopular group of upstarts .
18 Similarly , it is difficult to accept that hostility towards the Woodvilles from the rest of the political community was a major issue at the time of Edward 's death .
19 In taking this action , the duke showed himself to be several jumps ahead of the rest of the political community .
20 Both formulae and legislation may influence the conditions within which members of the professional community seek to enhance the effectiveness of their schools .
21 Let there be no doubt , these young criminals are not in any way representative of the vast majority of the Afro-Caribbean community whose life has contributed to the life and culture of the West Midlands over many years and whose hopes and aspirations are at one with those of every other law-abiding citizen .
22 The following day she is to meet representatives of the Irish community at London 's Camden Centre .
23 The unfortunate result is that farmers , angered by the attitude of the careless few , block footpaths or refuse access to such places as the dry valley of Gordale Beck to the many considerate walkers who respect not only the countryside but also the problems of the working community who for centuries have fought to make a living from the land .
24 This chapter has shown the cost of the major community services for dementia sufferers in different circumstances .
25 And a leader of the disabled community in Gloucestershire warned today that the crisis will hit handicapped motorists across the country .
26 And a leader of the disabled community in Gloucestershire says the crisis could be a disaster for handicapped motorists across the country … 120,000 of them lease vehicles from the government approved charity , Motobility , which has a block insurance poliocy withh MMI …
27 By using the formula , the speaker not only seeks to deflect criticism , but also lays claim to be a member of the moral community of the unprejudiced .
28 When the concept of a wholly implantable automatic defibrillator was the first suggested by Mirowski in the 1970s it met with a sceptical and even hostile response from some sections of the cardiological community .
29 Large sections of the Palestinian community perceived the elections offer as a device to end the intifada , and the latter provision as a bid to divert attention from calls for an international conference on the Middle East .
30 It was certainly a source of great pride to me in the nineteen sixties to be Personnel Manager of the Greenock plant , in an area which is noted to it 's erm , insecurity , to see the effects on the living standards and conditions and morale of the general community of having a manufacturing plant which had stability of labour , as well as it 's er , objectives .
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