Example sentences of "of the [adj] court " in BNC.

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1 Several of the unsuccessful court actions brought during this decade arose out of opposition to LEA plans for the introduction of comprehensive schools .
2 Derby handled the complex politics of the Castilian court with considerable insight and deftness , and when war between England and France was resumed in 1345 Castile remained neutral .
3 With some exceptions the performances during the 1970s were constructed around the psychology of Hamlet , in the 1980s on the political context of the Danish court in which Hamlet was the most significant but by no means only player .
4 It was perhaps not accidental that the deputy political manager for the Earl of Ilay , Lord Milton , was the Lord Justice Clerk , for between them the head of the Justiciary Court and the crown law officers controlled the criminal justice system .
5 The judge was told that the father had given undertakings ( which the judge recited in the course of his judgment ) that , if the court ordered the child to be returned to Canada , he would not attempt to remove him from the care of the mother without an order of the Canadian court ; that he would not support or initiate any contempt of court or criminal proceedings arising from the mother 's removal of the child , and would co-operate in having an early hearing of the proceedings in Ontario .
6 But it was considered out of the conversational court .
7 The sheet then recorded that Mr. Bell had been charged that on 15 February 1990 he was guilty of drunk and disorderly behaviour in Faulkner Street , Liverpool , contrary to section 91 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 , and that on 1 February 1990 Mr. Bell was committed to the Liverpool Crown Court and was released on bail under a duty to surrender into the custody of the said court at such time and date as would be notified to him ‘ and Constable 677F Whittaker alleges that you have broken conditions of your bail not to approach Bridget Coffey . ’
8 But the chief function of the feudal court was the regulation of disputes about land .
9 Madeira wine was for many years the favourite wine of the Russian Court , and one of the Krohn family had been food-taster to the Tsar .
10 For not only did Mrs Keppel maintain her position as maîtresse en titre but she became one of the leading personalities of the Edwardian court .
11 These rules must have that generality and universality which make them ingredients in impartial determinations and sufficient precision and bite to be used in making genuine resolutions of disputes , for instance , over territory ; second , the extension of the role and jurisdiction of juridically sound international courts on the model of the International Court of Justice , to which there will be compulsory reference of disorder endangering disputes to be decided by the application of the relevant set of reformed international laws , and the decisions of which would be mandatory with no reservations permitted ; 4 third , the massive extension of non-coercive jural agencies in the area of enforcement where this is taken to mean the monitoring of the behaviour of states in relation to international law and the decisions of international courts .
12 Another example is a unilateral declaration of acceptance of the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice under Article 36 ( 2 ) of its Statute .
13 An international organisation can express its interest through the advisory jurisdiction of the International Court .
14 However with respect to the ground for invalidity which is most pertinent to the community interest , conflict with a norm of jus cogens , only the ‘ parties to a dispute ’ can invoke the special procedure in Article 66 ( a ) , although that procedure is compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice .
15 A possible example is Article 35 ( 2 ) of the Statute of the International Court which makes the Court open to non-parties upon conditions laid down by the Security Council .
16 For example , in Nicaragua the United States denied that Nicaragua had made a valid declaration under Article 36 ( 2 ) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice .
17 There is no similar provision in the United Nations Charter or the Statute of the International Court .
18 In Nicaragua , a member State claimed the actions of the United Nations Secretariat and the Registry of the International Court were contrary to the Statute of the International Court of Justice .
19 In Nicaragua , a member State claimed the actions of the United Nations Secretariat and the Registry of the International Court were contrary to the Statute of the International Court of Justice .
20 The Soviet Union agreed in February 1989 to accept the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice ( ICJ ) in relation to five important human rights conventions .
21 Both leaders agreed to submit their dispute over sovereignty over the 1,000-km Aouzou territorial strip , seized by Libya in 1973 , to the adjudication of the International Court of Justice at The Hague , as stipulated in the " Algiers Accord " signed by both sides in August 1989 [ see p. 36841 ] .
22 The UN Security Council , meeting concurrently with the General Assembly on Dec. 5 , elected Prince Bola Ajibola ( Nigeria ) to replace the late Taslim Olawale Elias ( Nigeria ) as a member of the International Court of Justice ( ICJ ) .
23 A level 3 ( middle neolithic ) room was preserved a metre or so below the surface of the Central Court at Knossos .
24 There is a bench-lined sanctuary opening out of the west side of the Central Court , but without a throne and without an antechamber or en suite lustral basin .
25 There was also a straight and direct access route by way of a corridor in the middle of the West Wing , whereas at Knossos there was a long and circuitous route by way of the Procession Corridor , which doubles back on itself before arriving at the southern end of the Central Court ; the Phaistos entrance seems closer in spirit to the more direct west-east access corridor of the Knossos First Temple .
26 Although it is smaller , Phaistos has an additional court , the Peristyle Court , to the north of the Central Court : there seems to have been no comparable courtyard at Knossos .
27 Steps in the south-east corner of the Central Court led down into a well which was used , at least in the temple 's final days , for offerings : there were many small clay vases , one of which still had olives in it when excavated .
28 On the east side of the Central Court at Knossos and Phaistos , there were suites of chambers separated from each other by pier-and-door partitions .
29 It seems that neither temple nor town was fortified , so it was possible for the temples to grow outwards from the nucleus of the Central Court virtually without restraint .
30 Moreover , while the EC countries want EFTA to be subject to the rules of the European Court of Justice , EFTA governments would prefer a new legal structure consisting of judges from both sides .
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