Example sentences of "of a long series " in BNC.

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1 That meeting was only the beginning of a long series of meetings , retreats and counselling sessions which formed the stepping stones for a return to an authentic Christian experience .
2 Rose ( 1868 ) , do not obviously suggest serious historical study , but are rather part of a long series of more popular works on Mary , in which Jean Plaidy and Madeleine Bingham are among the most recent exponents ; and there is a certain charm about the publication , in 1793 , of a work by one J. F. Gaum , Marie Stuart und Marie Antoinette in der Underwelt .
3 Its fifteen subject committees usually met three times a year and contributed to the development of a long series of projects .
4 A Circular on this subject ( to appear in July 1965 as 10/65 , probably the best known of a long series of Ministry and Department of Education and Science circulars ) was already in draft , but Tony Crosland was anxious to improve it .
5 A spokesman for the Bristol-based Chelsea Building Society said : ‘ The timing is not ideal but it is at the end of a long series of events . ’
6 Hervey , a Breton , was appointed bishop , the first of a long series of members of the English royal court to be provided with a Welsh see : he was also the first bishop in Wales to come under the authority of an English archbishop .
7 One of the first of a long series of attempts to reconstruct the facts behind the records was undertaken by Hermann Samuel Reimarus ( 1694 — 1768 ) in his Apology for the Reasonable Worshippers of God .
8 The Director-General of RTF was appointed by the government ( as were the heads of state or public service radio and TV until 1982 ) : the ‘ DG ’ appointed in 1946 , Vladimir Porche , held his post for 11 years ; but governments conceived of broadcasting as a state administration , and Porche himself — a ‘ counseiller d'etat ’ — was the first of a long series of ‘ counseillers d'etat ’ , prefects and top civil servants to head the state broadcasting organizations , RTF and ORTF ( i.e. until 1974 ) .
9 In economic life , in spite of a long series of efforts , little was achieved .
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