Example sentences of "of providing [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 In all cases , a central theme is that the failure of the project of providing foundations for knowledge does not warrant scepticism .
2 First , the costs of providing benefits for lone parents have risen very rapidly as a consequence of the increased receipt of income support among lone parents .
3 The benefits of contracting out at younger ages stem from the fact that the flat-rate rebate is based on an average of the costs of providing benefits for all age groups .
4 In Bedfordshire , the earlier agreement over the Board 's assumption of providing powers for Chapter III courses in the rural areas was undeviatingly adhered to by Plaskitt , the university 's resident tutor .
5 And the old hospital sites might be the best places to build the new units because the local population is usually tolerant , and both managerial and clinical staff have long experience of providing services for chronically mentally ill people .
6 Health authorities will be funded according to the size of their local population , with allowances for their age and health , and the relative cost of providing services for them .
7 Yet as we shall see in the next chapter , with poorer clients the problem is not simply one of providing lawyers for people who can not afford them from their own resources .
8 For predicting the incidence of the burden of providing resources for governmental operations .
9 For evaluating the equity with which the burden of providing resources for governmental operations is imposed .
10 I warn the Secretary of State for Scotland that , when it comes to the urgent task of providing resources for the regeneration of the Lanarkshire economy , he will not be able to hide behind the arrogant and imperious people who run British Steel .
11 The notion of the older age groups as an economic burden posing a threat to the economic standards of other members of the population is illustrated by the report of the Phillips Committee in 1954 which was first to raise the alarm about the Prospective costs of Providing pensions for future generations of elderly .
12 Employee trusts have increased in popularity over the past decade or so as a method of providing incentives for employees .
13 While the key features of each — the limited liability company , the use of collective bargaining and the state provision of welfare — all have something of a Christian basis in terms of providing outlets for savings , strengthening the family , and correcting injustice and providing for those in need , nevertheless it is easy to see how they can become taken over by humanistic philosophy — so that they become unlimited freedom to create wealth , the use of collective power and the denial of individual merit and the state as the alternative for the family and private charity .
14 The Circular exhorted LEAs to consider new ways of providing opportunities for adult education , including co-operation with universities and voluntary bodies .
15 Certainly no impression from visits to primary schools in Africa has been borne more strongly on me than the importance of providing opportunities for the professional growth and survival of teachers in schools .
16 The aim of the single market is to integrate progressively the distinct national markets which have for so long characterised trade between EC member states , with the object of providing opportunities for economic growth irrespective of the location of producer , supplier , wholesaler , retailer or customer .
17 This recognition of the " blurred roles " of teachers and librarians , and of the importance of providing opportunities for those who wish to gain an understanding of and professional accreditation in both professions , has long been the case at school level in the USA , where school librarians are generally required to have a proportion of undergraduate and graduate credits in both disciplines ( the regulations vary from state to state ) , and the education system has long been flexible enough to meet the need without the provision of special courses ( though this has its disadvantage in that some students may therefore miss the opportunity to make direct cross-disciplinary comparisons under academic supervision ) .
18 The twin objectives of raising awareness of subject assessment and of providing opportunities for college staff to benefit from the SCOTVEC presence seem to have been achieved .
19 Nevertheless tabular evidence demonstrates that non-traditional students and mature student entrants as a category perform well enough to support a policy of providing opportunities for adults previously unable to enter higher education .
20 The authority charges people to park there but the editor of my local papar — The South Wales Evening Post — said on 3 December : ’ Many people will be pleased , and reassured , that Swansea City Council appears to be moving towards a policy of providing attendants for selected car parks . ’
21 Hence , the policy of simply directing local authority financial aid , funded from the DOE 's Urban Programme , to inner city firms may not be the most effective way of providing jobs for disadvantaged inner city residents .
22 Feature Marks available or number of levels Knowledge decided by experience of Understanding requisite standards Communication Inventiveness Technique and skills An alternative way of providing foci for assessors is to split the work undertaken by pupils and its write-up into phases .
23 Increasingly publicans took over the task of providing facilities for sports which had once been enjoyed on the streets or on common land .
24 Booz , Allen & Hamilton was forced to close down its executive search division in 1980 , when serious problems surfaced as a result of trying to carry on a recruiting business whilst at the same time having 3000 management consultancy clients on their books , who were more or less off-limits from the point of view of providing candidates for headhunting .
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