Example sentences of "of little more than " in BNC.

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1 The speech consisted of little more than bullish assertions of the underlying dynamism and strength of the British economy .
2 Moreover , some appear to consist of little more than the ‘ active constituents ’ of the dietary regimen we have already described — a regime whose effectiveness is not accepted by all research workers .
3 There were derisory calls of a similar kind from the crowd long before the eighth round on Thursday as the fighters went to their corners after another three minutes of little more than dancing .
4 You can create quite a memorable set out of little more than good lighting .
5 THE ART of bluffing your way in the classic car game is a simply learned one , and consists of little more than memorising one derogatory generalisation about each make of car .
6 ‘ Rural development has often appeared to consist of little more than the creation of as many plans , programmes , projects , rural centres , and special development agencies as possible .
7 The hamlet consisted of little more than the substantially-built Adscombe Farm , three cottages , and a ruined medieval chapel , probably the original of the chapel in ‘ The Foster-Mother 's Tale ’ whose leaning wall was propped by a ‘ huge round beam ’ .
8 Doctors can convince trusting patients that they will get better even while giving them a course of pills which consist of little more than sugar and water .
9 So sex education becomes crucially important , but while the 1986 Education Act and Section 28 remain in place , sex education in Britain will consist of little more than a hymn to family life , largely devoid of any education about sex .
10 But in the space of little more than a year he found that Clift had ‘ deteriorated to a shocking degree ’ :
11 The early torch consisted of little more than impregnated rushes twisted about each other .
12 Remarkably , a record of little more than mediocrity has already lifted Holyfield within one or two fights of eclipsing every man who 's ever laced on a glove in terms of financial reward .
13 Some items were of little more than symbolic significance , but others were more substantial .
14 he had to share a bathroom with the four other tenants on the floor , and the room itself consisted of little more than a single bed pushed up against the wall to one side of the room , a wood-wormed wardrobe and a single gas ring for cooking .
15 Most sites do not produce remains that can be readily understood by casual visitors , and they often consist of little more than holes in the ground showing where posts once formed part of a timber building , pits dug for various purposes , or ditches for drainage , boundaries and defence .
16 The Low Attainers in Mathematics Project ( LAMP ) and the Raising Achievement in Mathematics Project ( RAMP ) found that the mathematical diet for low-attaining pupils often consisted of little more than basic arithmetic presented in simple step by step learning sequences and repeated frequently .
17 Schools were expected to make sense of ideas which had not always been thought through fully , and to implement practices whose justification frequently consisted of little more than unsubstantiated assertion .
18 In such a case , the pedagogical grammar may consist of little more than exercises and model conversations , without translations of the phrases taught , etc .
19 It is often the case that the mathematical diet for these lower attaining pupils consists of little more than basic arithmetic , presented in simple step-by-step learning sequences , and repeated frequently .
20 Training , in any case , was very limited , local staff visits to home-country plants were not very involving , and on-the-job training tended to consist of little more than watching expatriates at work .
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