Example sentences of "of the same period " in BNC.

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1 Fred Winter was one of the most skilful and durable jump jockeys of the same period .
2 ( Ballet dancers of the same period used the same argument about applause during their performances . )
3 Chapels on this pattern were barely distinguishable from parish churches of the same period and they both fitted perfectly into the leafy suburbs for which they were intended .
4 Payment shall not be made to the Insured Person under more than one of the benefits ( a ) to ( c ) in respect of the same injury or of the same period of disablement .
5 There were a few others of the same period , Youngs Mill being advertised for sale in 1828 , with a 16hp engine , driving three pairs of four foot diameter stones .
6 Hibberds workshops behind the shop were beautifully timbered , not a straight line to be seen anywhere , whilst the Post Office buildings , including an old bakehouse , appeared to be of the same period .
7 Arthur Browning , the son of Stamford architect Edward Browning , who was at the school in the 1870's , reports that ‘ The initiation of the new boys kissing the face of the ‘ Old Man' ’ , which forms the keystone of the church door , was seldom practised ’ and J. H. Boam of the same period recalled that the ceremony was only undertaken if a pupil had done anything to dishonour the school .
8 Fiah was perhaps the only African in Tanganyika who could be compared with those behind West Africa 's press of the same period , men like Akikiwe , Danquah and Jackson .
9 Offered to the museum for £800 by Hans Calmann , who subsequently lowered the price to £550 as the Committee ‘ felt a little uncertain about the Bust — or rather , I should say whether we should pay up ’ because a bust of the same period ‘ more certainly by Foggini ’ had been purchased by the V&A for £80 a few years before .
10 The challenge posed by this new outlook can be illustrated from three great areas of conflict between Enlightenment rationalism and the orthodox belief of the same period — the authority of the Bible ; the possibility of miracles ; the idea of ‘ natural religion ’ .
11 The most notable object in Pavo is the short-period variable Kappa , which is a Type II Cepheid , rather less luminous than an ordinary Cepheid of the same period .
12 In the museum right now , both physical and intellectual distances separate objects of the same period , style and culture .
13 He also acquired an oak cupboard with linenfold panels of the same period made in Picardy for FFr380,000 ( £39,500 ; $68,730 ) , more than three times its low estimate and said after the sale only those unexpectedly high prices had prevented him from going for more .
14 Also included are a large green enamelled blue-ground saucer dish , Kangxi marks and of the period ( est. £25–35,000 ; $45–60,000 ) and a pair of yellow and blue dragon bowls of the same period ( est. £15–25,000 ; $25–45,000 ) .
15 The lectures which he delivered in America on this visit are not of crucial critical significance and , like other addresses of the same period , they are chiefly remarkable for the fact that he felt able to talk at some length about himself and his work — as if he realized that audiences came to see him , rather than hear anything he might care to say .
16 this is erm , this is going to be exhibited here on the twenty third of July , ok , erm , two , two of Gaugin 's pictures , this is one of them , and several other artists er of the same period , and I think this is going to be the only venue in , in England , I do n't think there coming , sort of worth seeing , but unfortunately I shall miss it cos I 'm , I wo n't be here , erm this is a poster of
17 Between 1916 and 1920 membership of the NALRWU grew from 4000 to 93000 , while at the end of the same period the Workers ' Union ( the precursor of the TGWU ) contained an estimated 120000 farm workers .
18 Putting in a plug for his new book , Crashers , he described how it covers the major financial crashes in the world , starting with the 17th century tulip crash in the Netherlands , through to 30s banking crisis and the Deutschmark crash of the same period , to the stock market ‘ silver bubble ’ .
19 Another road design of the same period , which included Ireland 's first suspension bridge , was from Kenmare to Bantry , in the south-west .
20 But in this , which he achieved by bold leaps and chromaticisms of melody and harmony , he was far surpassed by Saracini and Belli ( neither of whom composed polyphonic madrigals ) whose shock effects are comparable with Gesualdo 's of the same period ( see p. 267 ) , as in this passage from Belli 's ‘ Ardo ma non ardi ’ from his Libro dell' arie a I e 2 V. per sonarsi con il chitarrone ( Florence , 1616 ) : or the opening of Saracini 's ‘ Tu parti ’ from his sixth book of Musiche ( Venice , 1624 ) .
21 The book , as we gather from a plan in his notebooks of the same period , was to deal with four large areas : ethics ; aesthetics ; religion and mythology ; and politics , law and education .
22 During most of the same period , there has been more emigration from the United Kingdom than immigration to it .
23 Beyond it lay the Victorian Gothic church and some large houses of the same period , now mostly turned into flats .
24 Gorbachev on Dec. 4 had announced to the USSR Supreme Soviet emergency plans to import basic foodstuffs to the value of 2,100 million roubles ( US$1,050 million at the new commercial exchange rate ) to ensure that supplies in the first quarter of 1991 were at the levels of the same period in 1990 .
25 A beautiful castle of the same period is the vieux château at Sully-sur-Loire ( 443 ) .
26 1993 has started well with deliveries ahead of the same period last year and ahead of budget .
27 Grouping objects of the same period
28 Examining a number of artefacts of the same period can help to build up a composite picture of a society and culture .
29 ( c ) Can you extend what you have said to other works by the same author , by other authors , or to other works of the same period ?
30 However , wood from Trelleborg now implies a construction date of c.980 , and if the other camps are of the same period this would seem to be too early for a connection with Danish raids on England , which are not known to have begun until a decade later ( but see pages 20-2 ) .
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