Example sentences of "of the same problem " in BNC.

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1 This is not an original argument , in the sense that several short introductions to feminist film theory already exist which identify many of the same problem areas as I do .
2 While Boris Yeltsin has struggled to control the Russian parliament for a year , Kalmykia 's 30-year-old president , Kirsan Ilyumzhinov , has solved a local version of the same problem in a day .
3 The existence of the routiers was a further aspect of the same problem .
4 This positive concept of strategy is also very different from the more common nihilistic rendering of the same problem ( e.g. by Sartre 1976 ) .
5 ‘ It is all part of the same problem with you , is it not ?
6 We made sure that er on each occasion er we reached a figure or a set of figures that would be mutually acceptable to ask the colleague or colleagues and , and then it was registered in the minutes as a , so we could refer back to er any cases er that were similar and that then made life easier for the shop stewards er who may have had a recurrence of the same problem .
7 Symptoms of the same problem , I daresay : headstrong but brain-weak .
8 I 'd no idea , you see , that you saw my treatment of you as a reflection of your father 's , just another variation of the same problem .
9 Bottle makers Vereenigde Glasfabrieken confirmed yesterday that Bavaria had withdrawn its new 25cl and 33cl export beer bottles from the market because of the same problem .
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