Example sentences of "the [num ord] step in " in BNC.

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1 The second step in recreating a market economy is to restore private ownership of capital .
2 The second step in my attempt to show that an affirmative answer to the question , ‘ Are there logical conditions of something 's looking blue to someone ? ’ is warranted , is to identify perceived-as appearances with would-be beliefs .
3 Now , after the acclaimed New Jack City , Ricochet is the second step in Ice-T 's master plan to unceremoniously usurp Eddie Murphy as black America 's biggest film star and clean up in Hollywood the way he 's cleaned up in rap : staying hip with his street following and making millions from the masses at the same time .
4 Similarly , where the second step in ( 8–50 ) makes use of Eq .
5 The amplifier will then have been adjusted so that zero field corresponds to zero output , the first step in achieving calibration .
6 The first step in eradicating dry rot is to find the heart of the outbreak and to trace its extent with great care and thoroughness .
7 The first step in forging an alliance of Euro-Parliamentarians would be for national MPs to be invited to the special hearings on changes to the Rome Treaty being organised by the European Parliament .
8 The first step in that direction was taken when the early Hebrew legislators forbade the practice of sacred prostitution , this ritual being fundamental to the non-Yahwistic cults and also one in which women played a central role ( Deut.
9 Learning the needs of horses is the first step in discovering their emotions , and understanding their behaviour .
10 My new friend was the first step in questioning whether that was true .
11 If the substrate S can be used for something else , it is clearly efficient to control the first step in the synthesis , S→A , rather than , say , the last one , E→P , because in the latter case E would accumulate .
12 We will allow British Rail to proceed with a leasing scheme of 188 new Networker trains on the North Kent line — the first step in securing private investment to help modernise Britain 's railways and protect our environment .
13 In Churchill 's speech in Zurich in 1946 he laid down his ideas for a ‘ kind of United States of Europe ’ : ‘ The first step in the re-creation of the European family must be a partnership between France and Germany .
14 Okahata and his colleagues suggest that the first step in our perception of smells occurs when odorous substances are absorbed by the lipid bilayer of a cell .
15 But identifying the principal active ingredient of alcoholic drinks was a vital step forward in that it allowed the quantity of intoxicant to be measured accurately , always the first step in any proper study of drugs and their actions .
16 Moreover , whatever your age , circumstances and financial resources , taking stock is something which must be done from time to time — it is the first step in making decisions .
17 In BM the first step in influencing the behaviour of other people is to make a precise statement of the adverse behaviour .
18 The first step in the selection of the action and control areas in Ipswich and Newham was a study of the number and pattern of referrals to the hospital psychogeriatric services during the year prior to the commencement of the study ( that is , the year ending 31 July 1983 ) .
19 To execute most commands it is necessary to move it into the Command Area as the first step in selecting a command .
20 The first step in the battle to keep control of borrowing is to recognise that you might be in danger .
21 Once the task to be taught has been selected we can begin the first step in the model , that of analysing the task into its component elements and plotting the knowledge and skills necessary for successful performance .
22 This is the first step in the conversion of acyclovir into its anti-viral form .
23 The move is the first step in establishing an Australian space industry .
24 The first step in reclaiming these spoil heaps was to find Plants that would grow under such conditions and that would resist erosion from the steep slopes .
25 Commander Richard Compton-Hall , museum director , said that the first step in salvage was to get any party with a claim to the wreck to relinquish it to the museum .
26 Yolande de Dreux was the first step in sealing a new alliance with France . ’
27 The method of production is the first step in assessing the VXK of the wine .
28 The first step in learning how to live magically is examining our beliefs : the most crucial raw ingredients of our broth .
29 Obtaining a good history is the first step in the management .
30 The stability Royal Mail contracts brought to their operators — particularly the smaller ones — enabled them to offer jobs to newly-qualified CPLs in a segment of the industry which traditionally been the first step in an aviation career .
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