Example sentences of "the [num ord] person [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Let's go to see you tomorrow Other languages have PrOnominal systems much richer than the English one : in Japanese , pronouns are distinguished also with respect to sex of speaker , social status of referent and degree of intimacy with referent , so , for example , the second person pronoun kimi can be glossed " you , addressed by this intimate male speaker " ( Uyeno , 1971 : 16-17 ; Harada , 1976 : 511 ) ; and village Tamil has up to six singular second person pronouns according to degree of relative rank between speaker and addressee ( Brown & Levinson , 1978 : 3206 ) .
2 How convenient , at times , thought the rector , was the English use of the second person plural !
3 The fact that the form of the polite or V pronoun is often borrowed from the second person plural , or third person singular or plural , pronouns , introduces considerable complexities into agreement systems ( Comrie , 1975 ; Corbett , 1976 ; Levinson , 1979b ) .
4 Immediately after his generalization about " " eelde " " he returns to the first person plural — " " owre olde lemes " " ( 3886 ) — and within two lines is back to " " ik " " .
5 Dickens does this all with the first person narrative in the form of Pip , the narrator and main character of the story .
6 ‘ The Friends ’ is written in the first person narrative , it is rather clear and direct , but it too later develops , conveying the emotions of an ardent adolescent growing up into womanhood .
7 Hence ( vi ) to say , as Wittgenstein does , that the first person utterance is not verified by observation is tantamount to saying that it has no truth-value .
8 ‘ One ’ was a word of the Chelsea set for the first person singular , and one might perhaps venture the thought of a pun in the words of the inscription .
9 The use of nursery rhyme , prayer , and the splitting of the poem in section V , confirm this ‘ authorlessness , , and the one time when the first person singular is employed , in section II , the reader senses a fear localized in the images used , more than in their beholder .
10 The dearth was of persons who could give the only kind of witness that counts with those looking for help , the kind that is couched in the first person singular ’ ( Trueblood 1961:51 ) .
11 In other words , there is an asymmetry between the third person singular , present tense , use of the verb — for example , ‘ He believes … ’ — and the first person singular , present tense , use — ‘ I believe … ’ .
12 So ( v ) what a person says , using the first person singular , present tense , of a psychological verb , is true or false precisely in so far as it is an expression of what he has inwardly observed .
13 But ( vii ) people do say things , using the first person singular , present tense , of psychological verbs , which are sometimes true , sometimes false .
14 Is what was said earlier — what a person says , using the first person singular , present tense , of a psychological verb , is true or false precisely in so far as it is an expression of what he has inwardly observed — true of ‘ I know ’ ?
15 A possible response to this may be that if we want to understand the concept of knowledge we must treat the use of ‘ I know ’ ( the activity of avouching ) as the primary thing , but that there are other psychological verbs — such as ‘ I hope ’ — in which a speaker using the first person singular of the present tense does simply express his mental state .
16 Some writers express humility in a particularly strange way : when they wish to express an opinion but feel that the first person singular is too assertive , they use the plural ( ‘ we submit ’ ) .
17 The point , in short , is that such an existent is typically someone who knows and refers to himself as " I myself " , and that all reports that identify this existent in an essential way will have to be phrased in the first person singular .
18 And take the first person singular : Ich .
19 The poet writes in the first person singular as a man talking to a loved one about the inevitable advent of his death , and yet the matter discussed here is not so much death as the gradual disappearance of life .
20 Green , for example , repeatedly wonders about the identity of the first person speaker in " The retreate " ( " who is the " " I " " of the utterance ? "
21 The first person angle puts you in the shoes of your character on the court .
22 Marcel , the first person narrator of the novel , meets the writer Bergotte for the first time .
23 The object language is already taken to contain attitude operators and the first person pronoun .
24 All these symptoms are displayed by the central consciousness in Out : a breakdown of reality-testing , the concretization of words , organ-speech , omission of the first person pronoun , the proliferation of contradictions , and perception of language as pure sound and as excrement .
25 Susan uses me for the first person pronoun [ G2 ] , and unmarked past tense [ G4 ] in tell , see , pick and run , and she has initial /t/ in ting , " thing " [ P17 ] .
26 Similarly , there is a form of the first person pronoun specifically reserved for the use of the Japanese Emperor ( Fillmore , 1971b : 6 ) .
27 The first person Charity saw was him .
28 For the moment , we shall limit our discussion of this question to those features which relate directly to the deictic context , those features which will permit interpretation for deictic expressions like the temporal expression now , the spatial expression here , and the first person expression I. Are there standard procedures for determining what information is relevant to the interpretation of these expressions ?
29 The authors of this perfervid , crowded adventure use the first person device to plot the course of Kemp 's feelings concurrently with the bold actions in which he is conventionally heroic .
30 According to this view , there would be an entry for a base form like sing , but not for the present participle singing , or the 3rd person singular present sings .
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