Example sentences of "the [num] hand there " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand there were the beliefs in the nature and extent of the clergy 's political religious power and how that power was to be exercised in the state .
2 On the one hand there is the lofty principle , spelled out in the inscription carved into the walls of Broadcasting House , ‘ that the people , inclining their ear to whatsoever things are lovely and honest , whatsoever things are of good report , may tread the path of virtue and of wisdom . ’
3 On the one hand there is the position of the ‘ no meaning ’ theist , occupied by those who talk of faith in the way that Wesley talked of it .
4 On the one hand there are those who are convinced that God can not be good given the amount of injustice in the world .
5 On the one hand there are the conventional rules of good manners and of correct behaviour ; on the other , the rules concerning sympathy and respect for others , keeping faith , honesty , and so on .
6 On the one hand there have been reports suggesting that the vaccine can cause brain damage , albeit in a tiny minority of children and , on the other , the whooping cough epidemics in recent years have re-awakened fears of the damage the disease itself can inflict .
7 On the one hand there were those introduced by British or British trained educationists because they appeared at the time to represent the ‘ best ’ education ( though naturally criteria for judging quality varied widely ) .
8 On the one hand there is a strong ( and sometimes unconscious ) pull to identify with the mother and to share — even take over — her role .
9 On the one hand there was treatment by opposites , when a medicament was used to oppose or counteract the symptoms and signs of disease , and on the other hand there was treatment by similars , stimulating healing in the body by giving a substance which would mimic the symptoms and signs of the disease .
10 On the one hand there are those who consider it only one step away from witchcraft , believing that the hypnotherapist is able to subjugate the will and dominate the mind of his unconscious victim .
11 On the one hand there was at last the opportunity of some concentrated action and , with ‘ Imshi ’ leading us , one could feel reasonably confident .
12 On the one hand there 's Little Liz , and on the other there 's Lovebite ; but just as I think I 've made a decision , the image of Lord Lane comes into my mind and I get all confused again .
13 On the one hand there is knowledge of conceptual content or topic area .
14 On the one hand there is the macro-world of big business , government complexes and military machines which we experience as impersonal and anonymous in character .
15 On the one hand there is the completely free market approach , which views mergers in a favourable light .
16 On the one hand there is the ‘ will theory ’ , which regards the distinctive feature of a right as lying in the fact that it offers a ‘ legally protected choice ’ ( Hart , 1973 ) , giving the right-holder the power to exact compliance , or not .
17 He blames the current problems on a lack of clear leadership , leading to a policy dilemma : ‘ On the one hand there was the desire to concentrate on the museum 's own collections , and on the other there was the attempt to become part of the dynamic international art scene ’ .
18 On the one hand there were ‘ good girls ’ who were potential wives because they cooked and cleaned , were faithful and submissive .
19 On the one hand there are the downsizers , who will be able to transfer their existing CICS programmers to the new smaller systems .
20 But wait a moment , are n't the people at Taligent talking about OS/2 and AIX personalities ( that they call ‘ adaptors ’ ) to sit on Taligent ? — on the one hand there is a microkernel with Taligent on top and an OS/2 adaptor .
21 On the one hand there is the same microkernel , with OS/2 on top running a skinny Taligent layer .
22 On the one hand there have been those who have claimed that , at least in the early days , the campaign was no more than the minority group Moral Re-Armament ( MRA ) by a different name ; on the other there is Mrs Whitehouse herself , who clearly believes that the organisation represents the ‘ silent majority ’ in the country .
23 But wait a moment , are n't the people at Taligent talking about OS/2 and AIX personalities ( that they call ‘ adaptors ’ ) to sit on Taligent ? — on the one hand there is a microkernel with Taligent on top and an OS/2 adaptor .
24 Very broadly , members fell into two groups of partnership : on the one hand there were ‘ jobbers ’ , who specialised in buying and selling shares , and on the other there were ‘ brokers ’ , who specialised in performing share deals on the behalf of the public .
25 On the one hand there is the novel 's plot , the menace of the Civil War and the perfumed décor of the Southern plantations — an ebullient world , full of personalities and their passions , balls and duels , a world which senses its looming destruction and rejects it .
26 On the one hand there was the central government and its economic ( and taxation ( plans which laid down broad policy and investment strategy ; on the other hand was the ‘ club ’ of often just two traditional suppliers of equipment .
27 On the one hand there is the investment in enterprise parks for small businesses .
28 On the one hand there was St Stephen 's Cathedral and the bishop 's palace ; locally this centre was known as the city , the Civitas or the urbs .
29 On the one hand there was the assembly or Ecclesia which every citizen was entitled to attend , and which took the final decisions about policy .
30 On the one hand there is the egalitarianism inherent in Reformation Protestantism , as well as the theory and practice of resistance to established rulers , and even of radical democracy , which evolved out of it .
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