Example sentences of "the [num] hand and " in BNC.

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1 Angst took over from utopian ideas of man 's upward march , quickly followed by despair on the one hand and pure silliness on the other .
2 We may think of consciousness as having two components : sensation and perception on the one hand and willing or agency on the other ; or input and output .
3 It would seem therefore that the contingent or empirical links uncovered by experimental science between the nature of the stimulus and the intensity and distribution of neural activity on the one hand and between the properties of the stimulus and those of the evoked sensation on the other are not based on discoveries that go beyond , or arise outside of , ordinary experience .
4 Sir : I fail to understand the somewhat confused parallel that the Ven William Paley ( letter , 5 October ) has sought to draw between the Pharisees and Jews on the one hand and the Philistines and Arabs on the other .
5 For lack of alternative parties or serious candidates with known individual characters to vote for , a gulf opened up between the isolated villagers on the one hand and the Roslavl' or Smolensk Party men on the other , intent on modelling themselves strictly on Smolensk or Moscow prototypes and on Moscow 's instructions .
6 it calls into question our right to maintain the peculiar forms of connection which exist between the United Kingdom on the one hand and the ‘ Islands ’ , viz .
7 There followed a debate over economic policy in which the principal protagonists — though many others joined in — were Keynes on the one hand and the Treasury on the other .
8 To me the real distinction is not high and low , but between religion with a real supernaturalism and salvationism on the one hand and all watered-down modernist versions on the other . ’
9 He merges the dividing line between natural and man-made materials , between organic and inorganic shapes ; the separate traditions of Hepworth and Moore on the one hand and Anthony Caro on the other .
10 What his mate , who has never bothered much with politics , discovers about our police on the one hand and lawyers on the other , forces him to take over the activist role in this tough political thriller .
11 There an attempt was to be made to reach agreement on the date of Easter and to end the discord between Egypt and Rome on the one hand and Syria and Asia Minor on the other .
12 Among the more doctrinally united Baptists some conservatives were rather defensive by the end of the century and accepted the need for a middle course between ‘ exaggerated and ill-directed individualism ’ on the one hand and ‘ exaggerated and ill-directed socialism , on the other .
13 ‘ I would far rather we go through the criticisms , than have you editorialise afterwards , with ‘ on the one hand and on the other , ’ ’ he says .
14 He has achieved this through one of the most remarkable election results of the century , and has , for a time at least , restored faith in the compatibility of democracy on the one hand and sane politics on the other .
15 Agricultural development in the hills will create systems more sensitive to interference through public access and at the same time because of fencing , scrub clearance , land reclamation , etc. , change the appearance and so increase the potential conflict for recreational opportunity on the one hand and improved viability of agriculture on the other .
16 He blamed the extremists , the sects on the one hand and the bishops on the other for the failure of his vision to be realised .
17 Our international studies revealed instances where indigenous workers were used as buffers rather than bridges between social service organizations and professionals on the one hand and minority groups and deprived communities on the other hand .
18 Among primates , especially close collaboration between parents has developed in a few forest-dwelling animals as diverse as gibbons on the one hand and the tiny marmosets on the other .
19 Between the species on the one hand and the phylum on the other there are a whole series of intermediate categories of increasing inclusiveness .
20 Armstrong and McGee make a more explicit connection between the growth of agribusiness and commercial farming on the one hand and increase in agricultural imports on the other .
21 They see all America and its split personality ; the American Dream and the American small-mindedness , which are typified by the two bikers confrontations with hippies on the one hand and red-neck American bigots on the other .
22 Her approach would be to treat spelling as a part of writing on the one hand and of pronunciation on the other .
23 At the outset there is an important distinction to be made between techniques on the one hand and soil conservation projects , programmes or policies on the other .
24 There have also been occasional errors of judgment , regretted by all but recognised to have been caused by the harsh financial climate on the one hand and the immense flood of new books demanding funds and shelving on the other .
25 There must be a unifying goal for education , cutting across the old Platonic distinction between the theoretical , or intellectual , and the practical , and also across the newly emphasized distinction between technology and science on the one hand and ‘ arts ’ on the other .
26 The breeds of Scotland encompass a collection of world-famous specialist beef and dairy breeds on the one hand and one of the most unusual , picturesque and hardy of all European breeds on the other , along with the remnants of an equally hardy small breed of the isles fashioned by its exceptionally harsh environment .
27 Hopefully this approach may avoid the extremes of complete abandonment of dietary principles on the one hand and obsessional self-denial on the other .
28 that of class differentiation , with wealthier parents paying substantially more than poorer parents , resulting in lavish provision on the one hand and very meagre provision on the other .
29 Furthermore , it has been found that the association between delinquency on the one hand and height , weight and physique on the other is greatly reduced once social , background factors are taken into account .
30 The irony of this is reflected in forest destruction on the one hand and the apparent success of agroforestry ( social forestry ) as a means of sustainable agricultural development on the other hand .
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