Example sentences of "the [num] hand [art] " in BNC.

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1 Built into the very heart of the new system is a tension between , on the one hand a central requirement ( which is also a local or individual entitlement ) , and on the other a fragmented delivery system supposedly made dynamic by competition for pupils , parental support , finance and staff .
2 On the one hand a series of publications demonstrated to planners at the local level why they should adopt the approach of restraining traffic and how they should put such plans into practice ( figure 5.3 ) .
3 To the readers of 1850 it represented on the one hand a great Romantic apologia , though the stress on the French Revolution would not have pleased ; on the other hand it could be seen as specifically a mid-Victorian poem , contemporary with the work of Tennyson , George Eliot and Matthew Arnold .
4 On the one hand a society must reproduce various roles — there must be slots for postmen , steelworkers , parents and civil servants — and on the other hand it must produce people to fill them .
5 These two projects — on the one hand a wish to investigate the constraining influence of social wholes , and on the other a desire to understand the shaping power of individuals — answer to different sorts of concern with the social world .
6 In practice , the distinction between the two categories seems to reflect , as I have suggested , the existence of two kinds of interest in the past : on the one hand a concern with steady constraints on social life , and on the other an interest in large-scale patterns of change .
7 Consequently the bear-feast — ubiquitous in Siberia — was on the one hand a communal enjoyment of the cooked flesh of the animal , but on the other hand a sacred ritual intended to placate the bear-spirit and ensure that , while the dead animal would live again , its spirit would not seek vengeance on those who had killed it .
8 These diverging tendencies in Nizan 's life-style , on the one hand a genuine aspiration towards a communist future , on the other hand a residual implication in a bourgeois past , were symptomatic of a " tension " in Nizan 's life and work at this time , a " tension " that was resolved only in late 1932 and early 1933 , when he became a permanent official entrusted with the task of compiling the weekly " notes de lecture " in L'Humanite and of supervising the party newspaper 's bookshop located at 120 rue Lafayette .
9 Thus , the study concluded , on the one hand a number of the best practice companies relied on technology ( existing and new ) to generate a stream of new ideas , while on the other less successful companies could improve their position significantly by upgrading their technological competence , and by forging links with other companies and academia possibly with the help of government support schemes .
10 The answer seems to be twofolk , on the one hand a more radical approach to quarrying , and on the other a more careful integration of the chalk extraction process with the topography of the landscape .
11 On the one hand a regular orderly repayment system is said to benefit borrowers and creditors .
12 On the one hand the multiplication of good brasseries in recent months has been a breath of fresh air to the restaurant industry , and the public has shown its appreciation by packing them full every night .
13 What all of them contend is that the auditory effect of all English-language verse can only in a schematic and starveling fashion be pin-pointed by applying the only two measurements that traditional scansion recognizes : on the one hand the number of syllables , on the other the number of occurrences of ictus or ‘ stress ’ .
14 On the one hand the world of normality and conformity is stridently affirmed .
15 For one thing , as Jardine points out , while on the one hand the shift of wealth to the mercantile classes was leading to the break-up of the dress code , and enabling the socially mobile to appropriate , for purposes of inclusion , what were supposed to be signs of their exclusion , it was also the case that those who had ‘ arrived ’ socially often wanted to enforce the code against those who had not .
16 Such experiences of sexual liberation bear witness to the socially constructed ‘ nature ’ of identity with respect both to its contingency and its resilience : on the one hand the self can be and is experienced as radically different in the space of the other ; on the other hand it the extinction of self is the precondition of passing into the ecstasy with and through the other , it is an extinction which has to be replayed over and again as a constitutive part of sexual ecstasy itself .
17 What Marx was trying to do in constructing the Asiatic system was to reconcile , on the one hand the reports of the strength of the village communities which characterized many of the accounts of Asian villages and which was manifested in their apparent ability to act organically , for example in the close co-operation and mutual reasonableness required in irrigated agriculture , and , on the other hand , a traditional view of the despotism of oriental rulers , a view which dominated European pictures of the Orient , at least since the time of Montesquieu .
18 On the one hand the dispute was escalating through mass action into a head-on dispute with the government and employers ; on the other hand , the trade union leadership with their job of negotiating ( or compromising ) between the workers and the bosses were becoming redundant .
19 At this point in the debate a public bunfight has arisen between , on the one hand the authors of the Coopers & Lybrand report on Tuesday that warned of a ‘ fiscal reality gap ’ and a public sector borrowing requirement soaring way above Tory and Labour projections ( about which this column warned last week ) and those who believe this takes too gloomy a view of prospects .
20 For many years the arguments for access to information have emphasised on the one hand the private values of privacy and autonomy and on the other hand the public values of democratic involvement in decision making .
21 On both occasions she had been struck by the contrast between on the one hand the beauty of the Bay itself , the islands , the fine buildings towards Posillipo and on the other the cramped and jumbled desperation of the mean and bustly streets immediately below her .
22 Thus it was welcomed because it seemed to bring together on the one hand the idealized liberalism of the l960s and 1970s — when pupils and teachers hoped to romp together through an uninhibited dance of individualized learning , projects , pupil-centred learning-situations , and an end to authoritarian concepts of knowledge — with , on the other hand , the 1980s demand for ‘ standards ’ .
23 On the one hand the successful teacher has an infectious enthusiasm for parts of the information , ideas and skills which continue to underpin their original and continuing role as an artist , an historian , a scientist or whatever .
24 It does not require much imagination on the part of a person contemplating , on the one hand the evolutionary product that is the marvellous human body , and on the other hand the mess that is religious history , to bring his agreement with this .
25 On the one hand the sheer weight of new product can actually wear away at one 's critical faculties so that any performance which maintains a reasonable degree of well engineered accuracy gets a thumbs-up .
26 On the one hand the UK business entering EC markets is acting as a poacher in what has traditionally been regarded as territory belonging to other EC businesses .
27 On the one hand the approach I am proposing would lead the learners to realize ( in the sense of actualize ) grammatical potential in contexts of use , that is to say that it would lead to effective behaviour .
28 In the light of these facts , the interesting question is whether there exists any relationship between the two triads — on the one hand the abolition of private property , religion and the family and on the other economic inefficiency , religious persecution and political terror .
29 In place of God-consciousness , for which he had little time , he wanted to put on the one hand the revelation made in Jesus and recoverable through the historical study of the New Testament , and on the other the moral and spiritual response to Jesus which issues in Christian living and acting .
30 These conditions of the possibility of Christian theology were on the one hand the actuality of the revelation in Jesus , and on the other the reception of that revelation in faith empowered by the Holy Spirit .
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