Example sentences of "the [num] hand [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand papal taxation was preserving them from Edward 's attentions , except for customary feudal dues and prerogative levies ; it is safe to assume that the laity were adapting readily to the notion of leaving the tax burden , or as much of it as they could , to the clergy .
2 That is on the one hand remote and on the other ridiculous .
3 Siege-engines demanded on the one hand skilled operators , and on the other a plentiful supply of unskilled labourers to move the necessary materials .
4 On the one hand increased INSET activity is seen as the way forward especially by the Department of Education and Science ( DES , 1985b and 1986 ; MSC , 1987 ) .
5 On the one hand variceal haemorrhage may be the final episode in a progressively deteriorating clinical disease state ; alternatively , it may be a single potentially life threatening episode in a patient who can otherise expect several further years of good quality life .
6 When I obey or defy ‘ Face facts ’ , my welcoming or resisting of the facts is itself a psychological process in causal interaction with spontaneous inclination ; on the one hand emotional bias distorts judgement , on the other desire or aversion veers with additional information .
7 On the one hand insufficient quantities at a particular point in time , will cause costly delays in production .
8 On the one hand more men are effectively retiring in their fifties due to unemployment ( Walker and Walker , 1987 ) .
9 On the one hand some teachers saw the process as a hindrance — as something they had to do for the LEA and which would have little consequence for themselves .
10 On the one hand some psycholinguistic data seemed to point to word-by-word recognition ( Cole & Jakimik 1980 ; Marslen-Wilson & Welsh 1978 ) .
11 On the one hand these groups , which in some respects mark the bridge between the old and the new philanthropy , were the first to focus their attention directly on urban working-class ( and in some instances lower-middle-class ) youth , rather than on children and adolescents , or women and girls .
12 On the one hand these taxes represent a significant revenue source for the government , and on the other , they also generate a substantial stimulus to reduced consumption .
13 On the one hand this provides an excellent opportunity for the group to tap into a wide diversity of views .
14 On the one hand this is easy , not to say natural , but the ride can become fraught with contradictions and potholes , such as what to do about Section 28 .
15 On the one hand this expansion offered for the first time a substantial number of teaching posts which together formed a fully-integrated career structure , and on the other it considerably lessened the security of both the " historical " and " critical " paradigms for which Bateson had been at such pains to seek some form of mutual accommodation .
16 On the one hand this can be attributed to an unwillingness by politicians to provide for a greater disclosure of information .
17 On the one hand this might lessen the load of dementia on local authority care .
18 Yet , on the one hand this contradiction has been hidden by privileging Gregory 's comments and neglecting the importance of the Epistulae Austrasiacae and the writings of Venantius Fortunatus ; on the other , it has been explained by the apparent lack of educational opportunities available to Gregory in the households of Nicetius and Avitus .
19 It is on the one hand full of practical hints about all aspects of plotting , with many clear examples .
20 Existing management structures and knowledge bases are on the one hand inappropriate , and on the other largely inadequate , for this task and these inadequacies are very serious constraints ; of the two , the lack of adequate knowledge bases for evaluation in a process sense is probably more important but it is also the point at which the greatest development could take place .
21 Two contrasting features mark the relations between Rome and the Greek world during the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. On the one hand commercial relations must have decreased because there were fewer Greek imports than in the sixth century .
22 On the one hand military action must be pursued with maximum efficiency , defined by military criteria .
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