Example sentences of "the [det] rules [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The many rules and regulations concerning licensing will only be touched on in this section ; they form in themselves a considerable volume of law .
2 He is held personally responsible for complying with the many rules and regulations that govern its use .
3 The more rules that exist , then the more likely it is that a new product or service will impinge upon or be prohibited in some way by those rules .
4 Through learning the same rules that constitute our culture we agree about appropriate behaviour and belief ; this consensus ensures that we are able to live ordered lives together .
5 The refusal of timber-growing countries in temperate regions to be bound by the same rules that apply to tropical timber producers has led to the collapse of attempts at meetings in Geneva to renegotiate the International Tropical Timber Agreement ( ITTA ) .
6 Nor is there any implied claim that all individual speakers have the same rules or rule-order — far from it .
7 A convention exists when people follow certain rules or maxims for reasons that essentially include their expectation that others will follow the same rules or maxims , and they will follow rules for that reason when they believe that on balance having some settled rule is more important than having any particular rule .
8 10 Contractual rights The courts adopt substantially the same rules when implying an obligation of confidence into a contract and when finding an equitable obligation of confidence .
9 It operates on the same lines as the rest of the prison , with the same rules and system of privileges and punishments .
10 Our conduct in the international arena was governed by the same rules and limits as the Americans ’ ( Khrushchev : 1970 , p. 496 ) .
11 Reports from such experts are subject to the same rules and privileges as medical reports but would be classed as non-medical experts so that directions will have to be sought in any type of personal injury case if a party wants to call more than one ( see RSC Ord 25 , r8 below ) .
12 Now they 're not applying the same rules and regulations in Savac and Sarouac , it 's the island peninsular , maybe their reaction to the Friends of the Earth is symptomatic of a certain degree of bad conscience that they have with the , with the other two .
13 But the same rules as before are applicable to a mortgagee who takes possession , and to a mortgagor who is in possession .
14 Formerly the domicile of a wife was necessarily the same as that of her husband , but under the Domicile and Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1973 the wife 's dependent domicile was abolished : now her domicile is determined according to the same rules as for a single person .
15 The role of the officers — the vanguard of revolutionary education , exempt from the civilian controls which applied to electricity or water — seemed to have encouraged them in their belief that in their private capacities too officers were not subject to the same rules as civilians .
16 How you decide on the assembly order is very much a matter of personal judgement , but the principles of shot to shot continuity , the function of cutaways , and the ordering of your material into a logical progression of images which tell a story , all follow the same rules as for in-camera editing .
17 As the company is worth less than £30 million , it does not come under the same rules as the water authority when privatised .
18 This allows competitors to fight under virtually the same rules as their full-contact brothers , but strikes and kicks are judged more on a points system , points being awarded for perfection of technique rather than for pounding a competitor into the ground or knocking him out .
19 The same rules as to service apply and the written statement of service to be filed at court must include details as with service on respondents ( see 5 above ) .
20 Labels have the same rules as standard BBCBASIC(Z80) variable names ; they should start with a letter and not start with a keyword .
21 Nick Price says that point to point is just like the cheltenham gold cup … its run under the same rules as the grand national … the big difference is that this is amateur … totally amateur … but its a boom sport and very popular in this area
22 Consequently , the best treatment seems to be to say that stress in words with prefixes is governed by the same rules as those for words without prefixes .
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