Example sentences of "the [noun sg] provides a " in BNC.

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1 In contrast to the Fife project with its one reed species , diversity of plants and animals here is intentional ; the variety provides a buffer against unpredicted changes in the waste-stream , a check against the overproduction of any one constituent of the wetland , and — because the system 's make-up is allowed to change — a means of continually testing refinements not anticipated in the original biological analysis .
2 Arrangement of ideas on the board provides a stimulus for new ideas and lateral thinking .
3 One can compare the passage just quoted , which insists on the unknowability of the real world , with some of her subsequent remarks ; as , for instance , when she refers to her argument ‘ that literature represents the myths and imaginary versions of real social relationships ’ , and claims that ‘ a form of criticism which refuses to reproduce the pseudo-knowledge offered by the text provides a real knowledge of the work of literature ’ , or says that ‘ the task of criticism , then , is … to produce a real knowledge of history . ’
4 Once again the Preface provides a useful commentary by the author on his previous works and the reason for promoting the current one .
5 Thus the hypothesis provides a meaning to primitive ‘ goodness ’ and also suggests the period during which it can be said to have originated .
6 The diversity of expertise in the division provides a unique opportunity to study the behaviour of the earth in theory , to make practical scientific and applied geological investigations ( including fieldwork ) , and to develop new technology .
7 The Chart provides a uniform global data structure , thus making information about the current state of processing easily accessible to , and modifiable by , any of the knowledge sources used in processing .
8 As commentators have pointed out , the story provides a case of the slow-witted hunter-gatherer , who is pictured as thinking of nothing but his belly , being smartly out-manoeuvred by the more sophisticated and clever shepherd .
9 The course provides a balanced combination of business studies and area studies centred on the social , political and cultural environment of that region .
10 Although it is not primarily vocational , the course provides a valuable training in analytical techniques and writing skills which makes it a valuable preparation for a wide variety of careers , including the media , central and local government , and industrial and commercial management .
11 In this way , the Association provides a field force of welfare workers for the Benevolent Fund and the two complementary organisations work closely together .
12 The college provides a National vocal point for the G M B and to both National and International vis visitors , symbolizing the best of this organization stands for .
13 For Jonathan Culler , the pun provides a demonstration of language 's inherent instability , mutability , and susceptibility to spurious motivation based on chance phonemic associations .
14 The subsection provides a simple method of solving the difficulty created if a licensing board is not timeously or fully elected .
15 The pond provides a useful source of live food and algae for the fish , but they will still need a balanced diet of flake or pond sticks .
16 As a research tool the simulator provides a happy medium between the precision of laboratory studies and the realism of field studies .
17 The nature of the interactions between the proteins in the complex provides a possible explanation for the wide specificity of protein G for IgG .
18 The ANLT provides a unification-based formalism , derived from GPSG , that covers the major syntactic constructs of English .
19 The department provides a wide range of courses in Old Testament Studies for the BD degree , involving a general insight into the world of ancient Israel and ancient Semitic culture and thought , detailed attention to the problems of understanding and interpreting Old Testament texts , and the study in depth of Old Testament theology and ethics .
20 In addition , the research provides a detailed account of the mental processes that are used as the reader understands each new word in a sentence .
21 In addition the research provides a basis for assessing the pattern for future private housing provision in the province .
22 By identifying failings in the guidelines , the research provides a basis for considering possible reforms .
23 The study provides a detailed analysis of each immune disease , currently available treatment , status of new drugs under clinical development , early R&D of new treatment modalities , companies leading in research and development of immune-based drugs as well as companies currently having leadership positions in the present form of treatment .
24 The study provides a nationally representative picture of the employment situation of men and women aged over 50 , from 1980 to 1984 .
25 Known as Ford Q1 , the programme provides a formal system for implementing continuous improvement methods which is recognised and accepted worldwide .
26 Sometimes with the test programme the contractor provides a set of diagnostic tables that point to a group of components on the circuit board to be considered suspect for each failed test .
27 His relationship with his disciples prior to the crucifixion provides a model for the fellowship that believers are to enjoy in subsequent centuries .
28 If the statute provides a means of enforcement then it can only be enforced in this manner , unless the obligation is imposed for the benefit of a class and the plaintiff is a member of that class .
29 a user of the highway , in his personal security.d As one writer has put it , the rule provides a remedy for what is ‘ essentially a wrong arising from occupation of land ( and it is irrelevant whether the person suffering the injury occupies land or not ) . ’
30 This bizarre concept makes a mockery of any claim that the dolphin slaughter by the tuna industry is incidental , but at least the quota provides a limited measure of control .
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