Example sentences of "the [noun sg] held [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well Chemistry of course is , is traditionally much easier in many ways than English or some other subjects , and this reflects the esteem held amongst schoolteachers and students of the sciences as opposed to the arts .
2 This principle has been applied , and the money held to be recoverable , in cases where the sanction has amounted to duress of the person of the subject or of his goods .
3 On the other hand , from the point of view of sociological knowledge , even the most certain adequacy on the level of meaning signifies an acceptable causal proposition only to the extent that evidence can be produced that there is a probability … that the action in question really takes the course held to be meaningfully adequate .
4 Whether ‘ the action in question really takes the course held to be meaningfully adequate ’ depends on assigning a high probability , which in turn depends on appealing to a well-established generalization .
5 The idea was they were after the records which the college held on all students .
6 She knew quite well what the future held for her — marriage to Steven and a busy life as the wife of a doctor .
7 I little knew then what the future held for me and looking back I can see what a lot I had to learn .
8 The first was that de Gaulle did not know precisely what the future held for Algeria .
9 As we walked out arm in arm , under the high timber roof , I wondered what the future held in store
10 I move the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the twenty first of May 1991 be signed as a correct record .
11 I move that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on the sixteenth of July be signed as a correct record .
12 Following the est the establishment of the public services section , I was lucky enough to be a delegate at the conference held in April .
13 The minutes of the meeting held on the first
14 Er minutes of the meeting held on the tenth of January were read and approved .
15 Item two , minutes of the meeting held on the eleventh of October .
16 Minutes of the meeting held on the seventeenth November .
17 The minutes of the meeting held on the twentieth of October have been er distributed .
18 The minutes of the meeting held in January .
19 Ltd. v. The Irish Land Commission ( Case 182/83 ) [ 1984 ] E.C.R. 3677 , in which the court held to be compatible with article 52 a requirement to reside in Irish territory which was imposed on nationals of other member states , is not relevant .
20 It must , moreover , be noted that the only requirement which the court held to be justified under the quota system in Ex parte Jaderow Ltd. concerned precisely the operations of the vessels .
21 As the court held with respect to the expression ‘ matters relating to a contract ’ used in article 5(1) ( see the judgments of 22 March 1983 in Peters [ 1983 ] E.C.R. 987 , and of 8 March 1988 in Arcado [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 1539 ) , having regard to the objectives and general scheme of the Convention , it is important that , in order to ensure as far as possible the equality and uniformity of the rights and obligations arising out of the Convention of the contracting states and the persons concerned , that concept should not be interpreted simply as referring to the national law of one or other of the states concerned .
22 Shell has $ 10m euro ‘ dollar time deposit in Barclays Bank , London which has an asset of $10m in the name of its correspondent bank , Bank Y. In Bank Y's books Barclays ’ balance is a liability , while the asset held against it is the original Fed balance .
23 And then the last is if the portions of land rented out by rich peasants of a semi-landlord type exceed in size the land held by themselves and by their hired labour the land rented out shall be requisitioned .
24 The land held in reserve in Richmondshire 's case is not just land held in reserve for existing firms to expand on , but also includes three sites which are identified in this document as being reserved for development after two thousand and one , between two thousand and one and two thousand and six .
25 Land he acquires through distribution plus his home land shall be slightly and suitably more than the land held in arbitrary distribution of the peasants who had little or no land .
26 We are of course conscious that of the position held by the County Council and by the district councils .
27 On Saturday she was chosen as the candidate by members of the Euro-constituency which the party held at the last election in 1990 by just 2,977 votes .
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