Example sentences of "the [noun sg] suggests a " in BNC.

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1 The narrative suggests a movement into time which is also a fall into knowledge and loss of innocence ( p. 143 ) .
2 Though there appears to be no evidence to support Husameddin " s assertion that Molla Fenari actually went in company with Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey , the fact that the former dedicated his commentary on the to the latter and praises him fulsomely in the preface suggests a close connection between the two and is a further indication that it was during Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey 's rule ( 1402–19 , 1421–3 ) that Molla Fenari 's sojourn in Karaman occurred .
3 But one very rough guess by Paul Portney of Resources for the Future suggests a cumulative cost , in 1990 dollars , of perhaps $136 billion , roughly half of which will fall on the private sector and disproportionately on manufacturing .
4 The drawing suggests a temporary problem or glitch which has threatened the mission .
5 As the drawing suggests a specific transition channel is designed to lead the traffic into the new route .
6 The drawing suggests a plan that has been abruptly dislocated .
7 The drawing suggests a physical barrier to communication so that as the two parties approach they slide past each other .
8 The drawing suggests a first investment that is very risky for the speculator .
9 The drawing suggests a depression or hole that has to be filled .
10 The drawing suggests a network type of support system .
11 The direction of the arrows in the drawing suggests an upward movement .
12 The drawing suggests an obvious example of waste .
13 The drawing suggests an unnatural plan in which the designed thrust of the plan does not follow the alignment of the resources .
14 The scatterplot of the chronic sickness rate by the death rate is shown in figure 10.3 ; the pattern is not terribly tight , but inspection of the plot suggests a monotonic , positive relationship .
15 The bivariate relationship between terminal education age and preparedness to break the law suggests a different conclusion about the relationship between education and respect for the law in Britain in 1984 : more of those who left school at 16 or above say they are prepared to break the law ( 0.364 ) than do those who left at 15 or younger ( 0.274 ) , a difference of +0.090 .
16 The scene suggests a lifestyle familiar to the Franks from their first penetration of Gaul .
17 An interim report of the team suggests a reasonable degree of satisfaction with the new services with the majority of clients and carers viewing them as helpful .
18 Hence the pangolin suggests a link between animal and human kind .
19 Its length is approximately 100 metres and whilst if the axis had run through any part of its length I would have shrugged it off as coincidence again , the fact that it intersects the relatively tiny west end of the barrow suggests a high degree of precision alignment .
20 Although the title suggests a wider scope , the museum is in fact wholly Italian and consists of photographs and posters , a marvellous collection of early cameras and sound-recording equipment .
21 Second , the title suggests an assessment of multimedia spanning the decade , examining developments as far ahead as the year 2000 .
22 Rather , the evidence suggests a classification of teams which distinguishes the core team " from the " extended team " , which in turn is distinguished from the " service network " team — if , indeed , a 20-person grouping can be called a team .
23 Until Wulfhere was able to establish a dominant position for himself among the southern kings ( see below , pp. 114 ff. ) , the evidence suggests a multiplicity of regional overlordships .
24 The nature of the wound suggests a bullet of medium calibre fired at close range , under 60 centimetres .
25 In its proposal for short-term action , the Commission suggests a five-point programme focussing on giving both countries huge amounts of food aid and concessionary loans to assist with reform , especially in the farm sector .
26 Complaints about a shortage of coins occur in Cicero 's letters of the early 40s BC , just when the graph suggests a reduction of liquidity .
27 The paper suggests a variety of measures that will ensure that food is kept , distributed and sold in hygienic conditions .
28 The environment suggests a particular character .
29 To overcome this , the Government suggests a system , similar to that now operating in Scotland , under which children accompanied by an adult can be in licensed premises which have a Children 's Certificate where food and non-alcoholic beverages are also available .
30 In each case the reformulation suggests a line of processing different from the one suggested by the original .
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