Example sentences of "the [noun sg] to get [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The multiplicity of levels , the over-elaboration of consultative machinery , the inability to get decision-making completed nearer the point of delivery of services and what some describe as unacceptably wasteful use of manpower resources were recurrent themes in most of the areas where we worked .
2 Nenna thought , I must take the opportunity to get things settled for me , even if it 's only by chance , like throwing straws into the current .
3 Getting him to hospital is something I dread you would n't believe the struggle to get people to understand how bad it is — it 's usually building up for weeks but until he 's practically killed himself or someone else , no one wants to know .
4 On the Friday evening , their last night , I came downstairs after a bath and was on my way to the kitchen to get supper when , in glancing out of the windows at the front , it seemed that a dense fog had developed .
5 The idea is that it 's a lot quicker for the processor to get information from RAM than from the hard disk .
6 He had n't enough time to return to the dormitory to get help .
7 Following the failure of the attempt to get Edinburgh to grant medical degrees to women , she moved to London and qualified at the new Medical College for Women in 1873 , but practised only briefly .
8 More successful was the attempt to get Leapor into print .
9 What protest did the Government make to the Dublin authorities about the attempt to get Dr. James McDaid into such a key position ?
10 Bank Assistants , ask not what the IBOA can do for you but what can you do for the IBOA to get justice for your claim .
11 You do n't have to be on the fast-track to get job satisfaction .
12 Taxpayers ' priorities were for the Revenue to get things right first time , and for problems , where they arise , to be resolved quickly .
13 She learnt that Gamal had gone with some friends to an island off the coast of Florida , so she told the person who answered the telephone to get hold of him immediately at any cost and tell him to call his mother on a matter of the greatest urgency .
14 And being as usual in the mood to get things right she told her a Chinese dragon story .
15 Being for once in the mood to get things right , Phoebe had brought home from the library a book about dragonflies .
16 Women who sleep with the boss to get promotion never reach positions of real power .
17 He was also , he realized , as he went through to the hall to get Hasan 's coat , tied to the little boy in a way he could not have predicted .
18 The University seized the momentum that the press conference had generated and lobbied the Statehouse to get money for fusion research .
19 This minor impediment for the flanker is just sufficient to allow a fraction more time and space for the half-back to get things moving and has gone a long way to assist in opening the game up .
20 Yet if that is the only way to raise the cash to get Britain out of the recession , so be it .
21 The rest is history , but one which records her pivotal work with the Ordinary Life initiative more than ten years ago , from which so much else has flowed ; working with Maureen Oswin on bereavement which culminated two years ago in the latter 's Am I Allowed to Cry ? , helping to get the Campaign for Mentally Handicapped People ( now Values into Action ) off the ground ; respite care ; and the initiative to get children out of long-stay hospitals .
22 He was churning with the desire to get Pete back .
23 The desire to get land to cultivate as a farmer and proprietor or simply to get work as a landless labourer drew people to the islands in large numbers .
24 Thirdly , social movements are organised around specific demands such as the need to defend the legality of land-holdings ; the desire to get access to water and electricity ; or the need to protect human rights .
25 Increased wealth makes possible a more relaxed attitude to work and the need to get things done .
26 Certainly from the spring of 1918 Lenin was almost obsessed by the need to get grain to the cities of the north-west , for it was their turn to starve at that time .
27 From the start , ITV programme scheduling was almost entirely determined , apart from the IBA 's requirements , by the need to get advertising revenue ( in its early years , one-quarter of ITV 's money came simply from the great washing-powder war ) .
28 Griffiths is particular gives this great play and constantly stresses the need to get input and feedback from the actual consumers of services .
29 And the second is the need to get people involved locally .
30 Police in Blackpool had a surprise delivery when a holiday-maker rushed into the station to get help for his pet which seemed unwell .
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