Example sentences of "the [noun sg] wait for " in BNC.

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1 The thunder was continuous and the heavens opened up so , nowhere to go , we were huddled in the tent waiting for the river to rise .
2 ( b ) with intent to make permanent default in whole or in part on any existing liability to make a payment , or with intent to let another do so , dishonestly induces the creditor or any person claiming payment on behalf of the creditor to wait for payment ( whether or not the due date for payment is deferred ) or to forgo payment : or
3 He went back to the tray where the soup and the whisky waited for his comfort .
4 Trevor East , the new producer of The Match , explains the decision to wait for late autumn : ‘ People are reluctant to watch televised football or anything else on a sunny afternoon .
5 A tense 40 minutes followed as the gang waited for the arrival of a security van , loaded with double Christmas wages for local firms in Blackley , Manchester .
6 The beauty had disappeared below deck now and Fernando was leaning on the handrail waiting for her and gazing out towards the harbour buildings .
7 I stood in the kitchen waiting for the water to heat up with a distinct feeling of eco-smugness .
8 I stirred myself and went upstairs , and crawled under the duvet to wait for him .
9 Spry , who has spent the duration of the interview waiting for his chicken and pineapple pizza to arrive , flicks through a copy of Vogue Collection .
10 The next morning I got up at 7.30 am and had breakfast , got changed and got into the car to wait for Rachel , Betty , Paul and David .
11 And , on his way to meet the Prime Minister , Mr Delors bumped his head on the car waiting for him at Heathrow .
12 I turned back to the harbour to wait for him to go away .
13 Ward began to explain , about Iris Sunderby and the boat waiting for us in Punta Arenas .
14 If Gerald Thomas went to his flat to pick him up , he would be looking out of the window waiting for his car to arrive .
15 The Sheikh had crossed them by camel as a boy ; then as a young man with a wife and small children , including the boy at my side , he had camped overnight on one side of the range waiting for the engines of his jeeps to cool before grinding inch by inch , around and over .
16 And Miss Haines , as Clara suddenly realized , with a curious tremor of conviction , had actually been hanging around in the corridor waiting for her to emerge .
17 He was perched precariously on the very edge of the precipice waiting for puffins to fly past , and when one came within reach he swung his long-handled fleygastong ( which is like a landing-net on the end of a four-metre pole ) to intercept the bird .
18 Outside the chamber , Corbett found the captain of the guard waiting for him , a little more relaxed now he realised that Corbett was acceptable to the Queen-Dowager .
19 While the coach waits for a satisfactory fitness test , Steadman , already out of tomorrow 's game with Wakefield , said : ‘ I hope to be ready for a reserve game on Saturday or possibly Monday 's game at Hull but I am confident I will be fit before Wembley .
20 With a giggle , Terry helped her carry her luggage back to her room , then dragged her back downstairs and along to the village to wait for the bus .
21 We 've actually had a Delegates Conference in April and we meet the company in July and I do n't expect any sold the bread waiting for a massive increase in pay .
22 Alice could see that it was not going to be easy for any of them to admit obligation to Jasper , even though he was being correctly impersonal , sitting somewhat to one side of the scene waiting for their approval , the image of a responsible cadre .
23 I have the husband and the child waiting for lunch . ’
24 Employing a lounge-lizard gait , he swaggered towards me as I stood at the bar waiting for my Coke .
25 We had such happy family holidays in the drizzle waiting for the sun to try and come out that it seemed churlish to spoil things with science .
26 However , I did not say anything about the punishment waiting for me in Lilliput .
27 Or God forbid — down on the pavement waiting for a party of schoolgirls to tread on them !
28 I went out on to the landing to wait for him .
29 While she changed , she could hear the others laughing and singing and when she emerged from the changing-room she found them all in the foyer waiting for her to emerge .
30 ( 5 ) Because of the exemption for anything done in pursuance of a scheme of arrangement under s153(3) ( e ) , it should in theory be possible for financial assistance proposed to be provided as part of the Court Scheme to be implemented immediately ( because the target is bound by the scheme when it becomes effective ) without the need to wait for the target to be re-registered as a private company and the private company exemption procedure followed .
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