Example sentences of "the [noun] consider [art] " in BNC.

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1 Where a reference , or part of one , has taken place , the courts consider a number of factors to establish whether the reference was to an expert or an arbitrator , and those factors have become known as " indicia " , because of the use of that word by Lord Wheatley in Arenson v Casson Beckman Rutley & Co [ 1975 ] 3 WLR 815 .
2 That the members of the department consider the value of using all the resources of the department , when , where and if necessary , for example , use of slides with groups lower down the school .
3 The Yanks consider the Chainsaw to be punk rock .
4 The authors consider the Saintbury ley ‘ in the context of a 10 km square ’ , and apply Behrend 's statistical formula to the sites within this square in order to demonstrate its significance .
5 The Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel states that the parties consider the Straits of Tiran and the Gulf of Aquaba to be international waterways open to all nations for unimpeded and non-suspendable freedom of navigation and overflight .
6 It seems most surprising that the breweries consider the large open space to be the pub 's ideal internal form , or believe the artificial , standardised ‘ historic ’ pub interior to be preferable to genuine historic detail , when the original internal divisions and features are essential elements of the historic character that customers expect when entering such a building .
7 Doreen McBarnet and Christopher Whelan in a paper entitled The Elusive Spirit of the Law consider the limits of formalism in attempts to control market activity and the possible effectiveness of anti-formalist strategies such as that claimed by the ASB .
8 It is recommended that the Committee consider the request for payment of a subscription fee of £528 to the Scottish Accident Prevention Council .
9 We will not for the moment consider the suitability of the procedures for bringing complaints of breach of duty to court , though the existence of well-informed plaintiffs with standing and motivation to sue is clearly an essential part of any system of control that is ultimately dependent on judicial sanctions .
10 While the newcomers consider the absence of street-lighting to be dangerous , particularly in the winter , the locals , who claim they have always been able to manage without it , regard it as an ugly and unnecessary intrusion .
11 Further to the very unsatisfactory replies that the Minister has given not only to me but , earlier , to my hon. Friends the Members for Glasgow , Pollok ( Mr. Dunnachie ) and for Carrick , Cumnock and Doon Valley ( Mr. Foulkes ) , may I ask whether the Government consider the Indonesian occupation of East Timor to be illegal ?
12 The Piaroa consider the most powerful creative capabilities to be those of the woman , who bears children , and those of the ruwang , who transforms humans to animals ( Overing 1986b ) .
13 In July 1986 , two more specialists and numerous samples later , it was recommended that the Forts consider a mixture of Artificial Insemination by Husband ( AIH ) and Donor ( AID ) .
14 Despite these problems , two-thirds of the children consider the residential street to be safer than the customary street with pavement .
15 To illustrate the problem consider the following case .
16 I strongly request that the Minister consider a way in which a one-stop application could be made in such cases .
17 If for example the fire officer requires a company to introduce new fire precaution equipment in an office and the owners of the office consider the fire officer is being unreasonable , the owners can appeal to the magistrates to adjudicate on the matter .
18 A public body is also accountable both politically and administratively : the politicians consider the effect of a given decision on the electorate at the next election ; and the administrators are anxious to avoid any risk of criticism .
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