Example sentences of "the [noun] to look [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 So they 've heard a lot about what happens here and they 've had the opportunity to look around .
2 Providing opportunities runs through two aspects of management : unless colleagues are given the opportunity to understand the world outside education , unless they have the opportunity to look around and to come to some new conclusions of their own about what they are doing , the head will say that he or she is failing .
3 This month I 'd like to take the opportunity to look back at the current series of articles featuring the Pentatonic scale , taking stock of our command of the scale all over the fretboard .
4 He beckoned her in , and took her to the rail to look over .
5 On the day John-Augustus went char fishing on Buttermere with Mr Robinson and Mary went above the woods to look down on them , Coleridge passed between them .
6 She paused in the doorway to look round at him .
7 Whitlock paused in the doorway to look back at Rachel .
8 Early of Ely and Family ’ ( 1771 ) in which the richly clad Earl , the Countess and their two musical daughters sway elegantly in front of an idealised Greek temple set in their newly designed gardens while a small African boy dressed in a combination of Turkish and Indian costume holds up the Earl 's diadem , curiously peering round the Countess to look up at his owner .
9 She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and went over to the window to look down at the courtyard .
10 Toby went to the window to look down , then pulled his head back in , his face pale with fear .
11 While he waited , Coffin went to the window to look out .
12 Coffin laid the papers aside and went to the window to look out .
13 The room she was using was at the back of the house , and as she got up and walked over to the window to look out she could see a panorama of fields lying lush and green under a cloudless May sky .
14 I jumped and slid down the slope of the dune into its shadow , then turned at the bottom to look back up at those small heads and bodies as they watched over the northern approaches to the island .
15 They sat around one end of the work table , which now seemed vast and empty , and Alina Peterson explained how she 'd walked down to the village to look around and , where it seemed appropriate , to introduce herself .
16 Whitlock said , pausing in front of the desk to look down at Kolchinsky .
17 His new tone of seriousness gave her the courage to look round .
18 But even diaries of terror , such as have been published from the records of survivors or victims of totalitarian regimes , were rarely written simply for the author to look back on in years to come — for European Jews there was rarely much hope of any future .
19 And having proved that , in rugby as in business , they are quick learners who are very adept at recycling ideas , the Taiwanese could well be the team to look out for come September .
20 Lee turned her head to the right to look down at him .
21 One gang , which consisted of four coachmakers and two labourers , prepared and placed all timber , panels and other materials on the spot where it was required , and no man who was engaged on actual repairs was required to leave the job to look up any material .
22 This cobbled route is still a joy to follow ; the top half of it , as it curves down to the church and the river , lined with sober houses built from the local cocoa-coloured stone and dating from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries — datable precisely in some cases from the inscribed lintel stones ; then the church , seventeenth-century and disappointingly dull ; the old bridge over the Nive , which is the place to look up — and downstream , at the houses built along the banks with their projecting wooden galleries ; and then on towards the Porte d'Espagne , past the shops and more very decent old houses .
23 Allow the viewers to look around on their own .
24 The wines to look out for include the ruby-red Agilanico del Vulture .
25 If Joe had not caught her , she would be there now , walking up the dale to look down on the sleeping cottage .
26 He took them two at a time , pausing at the top to look back across the square .
27 ‘ We leave winter behind us , it seems , ’ Tagan said , turning in the saddle to look back at the still-white hills .
28 The road back was easy and she had the chance to look around .
29 Paul , in these verses , allows himself the chance to look back with his readers , and see the results of twenty years of Christian service .
30 The opportunity to go away from the school and work in a different atmosphere and with people who might have a different perspective on the management of organizations would give me the chance to look back into the school more objectively and question some of the assumptions I had grown to accept .
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