Example sentences of "the [noun] rule out " in BNC.

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1 The transporters are designed to withstand accidents and until recently the Govenrment ruled out any possibility of a radioactive leak .
2 An inquiry from Hilden Rec for a leasing arrangement at Glenmore has been turned down , and the Leisure and Allied Services Committee said the present demand for public pitches in the Borough ruled out any thoughts of a leasing arrangement .
3 The plan ruled out price freezes or regulations , the dollarization of the economy or the confiscation of funds invested in the financial market .
4 Mersey Tunnels general manager John Gillard said the extent of the work ruled out partial closure .
5 Mersey Tunnels general manager John Gillard said the extent of the work ruled out partial closure .
6 Both Labour and the Conservatives ruled out a post-election pact with the Liberal Democrats , while Mr Ashdown appeared to soften his threat to vote down the legislative programme of a minority Government .
7 These were the very rays which provided energy to synthesise amino acids and sugars in the primordial oceans , so the arrival of the blue-greens ruled out the possibility that life on earth could ever begin in the same way again .
8 Even allowing for the fact that not all BL Lac objects produce X-rays , Schwartz and Ku conclude that the statistics rule out the idea that BL Lac objects are simply ordinary quasars seen ‘ beam-on ’ .
9 The lobby is threatening to campaign against the treaty unless the government clarifies the constitution to rule out abortion on demand .
10 Since the Minister is anxious to avoid giving a commitment to set up a further education council , perhaps he could use the opportunity of replying to the debate to rule out a possibility which was raised in the press last year .
11 The doctors rule out insanity , God knows why , just as the club and other circles of ‘ our town ’ think a sane Stavrogin capable of ear-biting and nose-pulling .
12 The report ruled out , primarily on grounds of cost , other suggestions such as the construction of a national grid of pipes or desalination plants , or transporting icebergs from Arctic waters .
13 But after a lengthy investigation the police ruled out foul play .
14 The Congress ruled out , however , the establishment of a National Peace Council , as tentatively proposed by President César Gaviria Trujillo on Oct. 2 .
15 A spokeswoman for the Department of Marine said that tests carried out last year on the swans ruled out claims that the deaths had been caused by high levels of copper poisoning .
16 At no point , however , did the USa rule out direct military action against Iraq , although US successes at the United Nations [ see p. 37640 below ] meant that the bellicose tone of its initial response was moderated as the month passed .
17 On June 23 it was announced that Qatar had signed a defence pact with the USA , becoming the third state in the Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) to do so after Kuwait and Bahrain ; an official said that the agreement ruled out any intervention in Qatar 's internal affairs and was in line with GCC policy .
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