Example sentences of "the [adj] floor [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In conjunction with the new mezzanines , this has boosted the total floor area from 45,000 to 65,000 square feet .
2 Due to the expanded floor hole , the blue-grey atmospheric rubbish is now whooshing , spurting , billowing upwards to conceal the perpetrator of it all , making the carriage a hazy , out of focus , 3-dimensional black and white TV image .
3 From the cupboard beside the screwed-down floor safe , he had taken a mess tin in which he kept his shoe-shining kit .
4 Visitors relax over their evening meals , enjoying the free floor show in the warm evening air .
5 That , and the fact that Rick 's Cafe , in the Hyatt Regency Hotel , was built more than a dozen years after Bogart 's death , does not prevent taxi drivers from pointing out the building ‘ where the movie was made ’ and indicating the top floor suite ‘ where he wooed Ingrid Bergman ’ .
6 ‘ My neighbours on the top floor return tomorrow , and Mrs Gregson is here now — one good scream and she 'll send for the police . ’
7 Bryan Gould has hired the top floor ofthe Fabian Society 's headquarters in Westminster for his leadership/deputy leadership campaign , prompting mutterings from his opponents about partisanship .
8 The 21 year old student fell from the top floor window of this house , just yards from Oxford 's famous Bridge of Sighs .
9 Once on the top floor Dowd was left to entertain himself , and Bloxham led Godolphin through to the chamber .
10 On the top floor Franklin D. Hauser was addressing executives inside the large board room .
11 Faint light showed through the blinds on the windows of the top floor flat .
12 Underneath the skin , it 's based on the old floor pan and mechanicals , but it does look better , has more performance , rides more comfortably and boasts better brakes .
13 has stayed at Grimsby throughout , becoming assistant manager , and in 1968 , after the closure of the old floor maltings , took over as manager .
14 Left to right : The Adjustable Arm Floor lamp can be moved up or down ; the Standard Floor Model has a three-section column , and the Halogen Floor Model 's head is adjustable .
15 The cots were disposed to form a long seat along one side of the coach , the remaining floor space being clear .
16 Bangor 's 80-year-old Carnegie Library , situated in Hamilton Road , is in constant need of repair , with a large stock of books which can not be put on public display because of the limited floor space .
17 Eight other items followed including an ‘ oriental ’ item from Kent , brollies as equipment ( and how effectively ) from Norfolk and four youngsters from Surrey managed to cover the vast floor area of the sports centre with a lively item using novel equipment — batons with rubber balls at each end .
18 The Science Department situated on the 2nd Floor of a three storey block was supplemented with two additional laboratories , including project and practical areas , by undertaking alterations to the 1st floor accommodation .
19 There 's not so many sounds , which could have killed the atmosphere , but the creaking floor boards add to the already chilling atmosphere .
20 The Supervisor , initially resentful of the extra floor cleaning brought by muddy police boots , soon found herself softened into liking this polite young constable , and ended by offering him a cup of tea .
21 The Hall 's own linen was sold and the proceeds used to purchase coin operated laundry facilities which were situated in the second floor utility room .
22 As she took Tessa over a house , the West Indian family in the second floor back dissolved in her mind into an au pair girl , the brass taps and greasy gas-rings in the ground-floor scullery into a row of shining white domestic machinery .
23 If you want further information simply come to the second floor Committee Office between 11am and 4pm , Monday to Friday .
24 The room on the second floor houses fifteen people , and the other three little less , all at the same rent of 2s. 3d. per week .
25 So what they says is that I , I got on at this wall , jumped across onto this other wall , shinned up the outside of this other wall , stood on top of this the first floor wall and jumped up and caught hold of the top of the second floor wall and he reckon in the la about fucking twenty odd seconds , I was up and over and in , they , they , they fucking kill yourself , get down , I ca n't remember none of it .
26 The mill has a large belt wheel at the second floor level and , at such a height , must have presented a few problems with the fitting of the drive belt .
27 In the Casa di Diana , two storeys have been preserved ; the street façade with shops on the ground floor , the second floor windows and above this the third floor balcony which projects along the length of the block .
28 The second floor landing was spacious , a gallery almost , but much less cluttered than the lower parts of the house .
29 It can involve a simple space plan of the existing building to provide a more flexible and efficient layout or alternatively , it can be used as the basis to calculate the required floor area for a new building .
30 The chapel , SAVE contended , represented no more than one sixth of the overall floor space and was a later addition .
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