Example sentences of "to ingratiate [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sharaf Rashidov , the former party boss , would lie about the cotton crop year after year to ingratiate himself with Moscow .
2 His policy is to ingratiate himself with anyone who might be useful to him , a nauseating spectacle .
3 In order to ingratiate himself with the populace , he rebuilt the Temple of Jerusalem on a hitherto unprecedented scale .
4 He seemed determined to ingratiate himself with Stephen .
5 Harassed by creditors , and pressed by the Treasury to render his long overdue chamber accounts , he fled to Hanover , where he attempted to ingratiate himself with the electoral family .
6 While it must have been galling for Lear , Gould took pains to ingratiate himself with the young artist , and Lear all too easily complied .
7 ‘ The trouble is that I know that all the time he 's only trying to ingratiate himself in order to get me to agree to a merger .
8 It would be tempting to assume that we have evidence here of some direct relationship with the Thynne family , Marquesses of Bath , at nearby Longleat ; that may be the case , but an equally likely explanation could be that the family was involved in nothing more than a slightly sycophantic attempt to ingratiate itself in some way with the local aristocracy .
9 She returned from that visit almost sprightly ( desperate ? ) in her attempts to please and to ingratiate herself into the household .
10 On the other hand , those newcomers who wish to ‘ belong ’ may try to ingratiate themselves with the local population , sometimes — because of their misconceived expectations of village life — with disappointing results .
11 What expression do they have when they 're thinking black thoughts about someone they 're trying to ingratiate themselves with , or when they 're being praised for qualities they 're aware they do n't possess ?
12 What was she doing on Noah 's mountain alongside a pilgrim turned fanatic and a bearded peasant with whom she could not communicate , while the rock below them exploded like the gunpowder they had brought to ingratiate themselves with the local chieftains ?
13 ‘ I 've seen them — women like that monstrous Gabriela — push their husbands to ingratiate themselves with the Leader 's henchmen here , I 've seen the feasts they 've laid — like traps — very effective traps — those men , they 're nothing but walking bellies with fists-they grab , hit , grab , swallow , hit , the scum , I would n't lower myself to share a table with them .
14 He has variously claimed that from farts he can tell not only what people have eaten or drunk , but also the sort of person they are , what they ought to eat , whether they are emotionally unstable or upset , whether they are keeping secrets , laughing at you behind your back or trying to ingratiate themselves with you , and even what they are thinking about at the precise moment they issue the fart ( this largely from the sound ) .
15 Isambard was taking it for granted , it seemed , that a boy of fifteen could easily be seduced into giving his confidence , or at least some incautious fringes of it , to companions not so far from his own age and under orders to ingratiate themselves with him .
16 Carter try to ingratiate themselves at our Circulation Not So Bad After All Party , 1990
17 Comment : Very useful device when you want to ingratiate yourself with another person who is trying hard to play high status .
18 ‘ Listen , you should take the trouble to ingratiate yourself with Nehushtah .
19 I spend most of my life trying to ingratiate myself into a sick society rather than trying to smash that society .
20 The child glared at me so fiercely that I tried to ingratiate myself by asking who was her favourite composer .
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