Example sentences of "to concern itself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A band does n't have to concern itself with filling in PRS forms at their gigs until they are working in these larger venues .
2 Mr Ayob added : ‘ Mrs Mandela appeals to the media not to concern itself with , nor speculate about , her personal relationship with her husband which has endured despite 27 years of imprisonment and many years of exile . ’
3 For some reason , Hitler thought that the United States of America would be much too occupied with fighting the Japanese in the Pacific , to concern itself with Europe , so he decided to declare war on the United States on 11th .
4 Let us leave the last words with Walter Abish who declares that ‘ the innovative novel is , in essence , a novel of disfamiliarization , a novel that has ceased to concern itself with the mapping of the ‘ familiar ’ world ’ ( Martin 1983 : 238 ) .
5 This constituted an altogether more active management , which had to concern itself with professional matters .
6 It is clear at that stage the London committee envisaged funding its proposed activities by subscriptions , and that it intended to concern itself with the diseases of cows and sheep as well as horses .
7 Others , including Hobson and Brailsford , went further , arguing that any League would have to concern itself with economic and social , as well as purely diplomatic , matters if the deeper causes of war were to be addressed .
8 During much of the civil war and Interregnum , the English church was far too preoccupied with its own internal convulsions to concern itself with its relations with Catholic and Protestant communities abroad .
9 Geography , as a subject , tends to concern itself with what is done , in what manner and where , especially when it looks at industry and resources .
10 The Wolfenden Committee , in distinguishing between public and private behaviour , also drew a distinction between ‘ crime ’ and ‘ sin ’ , and concluded that ‘ as a general proposition it will be universally accepted that the law is not concerned with private morals or ethical sanctions ’ , and further , ‘ it is not the duty of the law to concern itself with immorality as such … it should confine itself to those activities which offend against public order and decency and expose the ordinary citizen to what is offensive or injurious ’ .
11 Moreover , it allows us to adjudicate on a matter with which the bible does not concern itself ( as it may be said not to concern itself with the question of the liberation of women ) .
12 Science , as we know , has tremendous potential to change the way we live ; yet it professes not to concern itself with moral issues , insisting upon its own objectivity .
13 The government did not have to concern itself with the balance of payments ( which was always expected to be favourable or self-adjusting ) , free trade meant that there was no need for elaborate connections with industry , the level of employment had to be left to the supply and demand for labour , and all that the government should do was elementary regulation in the interests of those sections of the community unable to defend themselves .
14 One issue deserving of attention if only because of the importance it assumes in the United States implementation literatures is the ‘ special ’ agency set up to concern itself with policy making and implementation in a specifically limited policy field .
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