Example sentences of "to distance themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was the 1960s before the bishops began to distance themselves from direct relationships with the government of the day .
2 More specifically , on the issue of cultural hierarchies and class relations the Situationists tried to distance themselves from bourgeois notions of progress and their equivalence in the neo-avant-garde of the post-war period .
3 In an increasingly profit-driven state even the most conservative parts of the church have had to distance themselves from some policies .
4 But its reluctant , even remote , tone is that of bureaucrats anxious to distance themselves from what might prove to be no more than fashionable scientific nonsense .
5 Indeed , it led to the so-called Euro-communism of the 1970s , when communist parties with quite substantial support , as in Spain , Portugal and Italy , began to distance themselves from the policies of the Soviet Union and its satellites .
6 In recent months Mr Adams and the more pragmatic elements in Sinn Fein have been trying to distance themselves from IRA violence , and during the campaign they called for talks about the future of Ireland with all parties to the conflict .
7 In order to try to distance themselves from this operation they employed a freelance , just as they tap telephones illegally or burgle property by using freelances .
8 Nathalie Sarraute had never been prepared to accept his insistence on pure textuality , and both Robbe-Grillet and Claude Simon sought to distance themselves from the increasingly over-rigid application of his theories .
9 These witches are the ‘ middle class ’ of respectability , always concerned to distance themselves from the first group and ever keen to present the acceptable face of natural religion .
10 They intended , they said , to be stricter in the way they selected credit traders who applied for membership , and to distance themselves from ‘ rogue moneylenders ’ .
11 Although some lesbians exploited the opportunity to distance themselves from dirty , dangerous male sexuality , a vastly disproportionate number devoted themselves to AIDS work .
12 And not only the tabloids : with the exception of Lord Whitelaw , Tory leaders did little to distance themselves from the racist comments of Sir Nicholas Fairbairn and instead came back with very similar language — from ‘ swamping ’ to ‘ Mongol hordes ’ .
13 Linguists therefore choose to distance themselves from questions of politics and ideology .
14 Latterly there was an attempt by the South African authorities to distance themselves from the activities of the money men .
15 SARFU had to distance themselves from the happenings at Ellis Park ’ , said French .
16 Since neither headquarters nor division executives discuss or resolve either the attributions or the frustrations , both may eventually begin to distance themselves from each other .
17 The phrase ‘ Protocols-style ’ carries a critical rhetoric , suggesting that the authors wished to distance themselves from the traditions of the conspiracy theory .
18 The rise of industrial work processes and domestic labour , both of which appeared as particularly servile pursuits , only encouraged the capitalists , desire to distance themselves from their origins .
19 It is impossible for the participants to distance themselves from the situation sufficiently to analyse their own behaviour in all its complex detail .
20 Justifiably or not , the Soviet Union in the later Brezhnev years had provided no advertisement for socialism , and even communist parties in other countries had felt compelled to distance themselves from the Soviet model and the heritage of Leninism .
21 Admittedly , after the initial euphoria following the passing of the 1885 act , some like Butler began to distance themselves from the purity movement .
22 When linguists became involved , with a few notable exceptions , it was mainly to distance themselves from this current of ideas and to introduce the second phase .
23 Many other writers working with similar concerns about the analysis of culture would wish to distance themselves from aspects of Montrose 's and Greenblatt 's orientation , though all would likely wish to acknowledge the influence of their work .
24 All its problems arise directly from the political situation from which it springs , from the urgent need felt by the Government to distance themselves from the poll tax and the equal need to placate those internal supporters of the poll tax who will choke over any support for a property tax .
25 Having said that , the hon. and learned Member for Burton makes a good point : it would offend against the views of ordinary persons and would be a crying sense of injustice if people who were not party to the aggravated crime and who had sought to distance themselves from it were found guilty because the balance of probabilities had fallen on them to prove their innocence .
26 The AD 's defeat prompted some of the party 's leaders to distance themselves from Pérez , most notably the party 's president , Humberto Celli .
27 By the time Iran had attacked a Kuwaiti , a Saudi and then a Liberian tanker ( the last of these caught near the principal Saudi terminal at Ras Tanura ) , the GCC states had begun to recognize this sequence — as it was doubtless intended — as a signal to distance themselves from Iraq in the light of the support they had been providing for Baghdad .
28 In the 1980s , the WFTU had over 200 million members in 70 countries ( most of Eastern Europe and communist unions in Western Europe and Japan ) , though the Italian communist trade union had withdrawn and the French began to distance themselves from WFTU in the mid-1970s , ostensibly to improve the climate for domestic solidarity .
29 Ministers had no choice but to distance themselves from the bombing .
30 Indeed , most Tories sought to distance themselves from the actions of their own supporters amongst the rank and file .
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