Example sentences of "committed himself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After the banks ' nationalisation he sold most of his interests in the dozen or so companies he had created and drawn his wealth from , and committed himself to combating the existing political system .
2 At a press conference he committed himself to a big recruitment drive for Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution , and , if necessary , to putting more resources into local authorities in order to make the bill work .
3 But it should be remembered that his was an extremely impassioned and subjective response of a man who had fought in Spain , toured some of the depressed North and committed himself to the increasing intellectual and left-wing policies of the Independent Labour Party .
4 I believe that he committed himself to assuring that he would never be party to such a thing again if he could prevent it .
5 DEFENDER David Lee yesterday committed himself to Chelsea until 1996 .
6 ‘ If he committed himself to Britain by actually living here he might find a bit more warmth forthcoming from the British public .
7 He committed himself to helping the future of rugby when he was elected president of a relaunched Young England Club .
8 Following my economically truthful pronouncements on the local meteorological trends ( I had already been for a pee ) , he reluctantly committed himself to an extended struggle with frozen boots and gaiters , muttering foul oaths about his much vaunted , but now soaked , pair of newly customised salopettes .
9 Confronted by noble resistance and alarmed by foreign upheaval , Nicholas had shelved the issue and committed himself to upholding the status quo at home and abroad .
10 In desperation the Tsar appointed Witte to handle the crisis , committed himself to creating a unified cabinet under Witte 's premiership , and on 17 October issued a historic Manifesto .
11 For all the music 's stylistic instability , I prefer these two early sonatas , before Krenek committed himself to serial techniques so consistently for most of the rest of his life .
12 There was much more of this kind of thinking in Baden-Powell 's writings where he sometimes committed himself to outrageously libertarian positions on questions of education and authority , although these were perfectly in line with the emerging contours of ‘ progressive ’ educational philosophy .
13 That day he committed himself to being a busker .
14 His dedication to the task of reforming Japan meant that he committed himself to policies of fundamental reform and governmental intervention through the office of Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers , Japan ( SCAP ) , which he would have condemned in other contexts .
15 He committed himself to a singularly foolish plan for Empire Free Trade .
16 In desperation the Tsar appointed Witte to handle the crisis , committed himself to creating a unified cabinet under Witte 's premiership , and on 17 October issued an historic Manifesto .
17 Appointed in 1859 as medical superintendent to the Manchester Royal Lunatic Asylum in Cheadle , he now committed himself to a career in lunacy ( i.e. psychiatry ) , gaining his MRCP in 1861 .
18 Accusing President George Bush of pursing a foreign policy which was " reactive , rudderless and erratic " , he committed himself to maintaining close ties with Europe and NATO , repudiated protectionism , and promised economic assistance for Russia .
19 The deposed king had announced his decision to return at the end of May , when he committed himself to promoting democracy and announced that he was planning to sponsor an interim multiparty government of national consensus which would include members of the military .
20 Ozawa , 50 , who was widely seen as seen as the real leader of the new group , firmly committed himself to comprehensive political reform .
21 Terry Lewis was a voyeur , an observer of life who never committed himself to becoming part of it .
22 He believed the Lord could and would save him , and he committed himself to the Lord and trusted him to save him .
23 Vologsky committed himself with the flat statement .
24 Rosengarten 's forte lay in the fine arts , painting and sculpture in particular , to which he committed himself at McGill ahead of Leonard .
25 Then he knew where she was — or would be , moments after he committed himself in one direction : behind him .
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