Example sentences of "dangerously close to " in BNC.

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1 The rally was held as the government managed to contain a week-long military rebellion that came dangerously close to succeeding .
2 At around 6am we heard heavy machinegun fire from the direction of the Deni , the investigative branch of the PDF , about half a mile from the commission headquarters and dangerously close to US and Panamanian civilian housing .
3 However , Mr Murdoch has come dangerously close to an edge over which other debt-happy Australian entrepreneurs have already tumbled .
4 It was they who were the defenders , not the aggressors , the men pushed by fear of extermination into acts which they knew came dangerously close to that disturbance of the social order which was almost as much to be feared .
5 I continued along a path over the bluffs following a waymarked nature trail , where the main animal life seemed to be a few pregnant sheep blowing about dangerously close to death on the rocks below .
6 A yacht crewed by a man and three laughing women careered dangerously close to the shore .
7 Packaged in a disturbingly brave grey sleeve ( depicting the rear regions of a naked angst ridden , shorn haired young man ) it verged dangerously close to Factory 's moderne Savilleion artwork .
8 In 1975 when Jock Stein was almost killed in a car crash , he lay in a Dumfries hospital dangerously close to death with a fractured skull .
9 Presenting Jesus as a super-psychic seems to fall dangerously close to Satan 's goal .
10 A sense of perspective can also be undermined in the other direction — is not pride in performance sometimes dangerously close to obsession ?
11 Self-important democratic politicians who have been themselves well-treated by tyrants of all stripes come dangerously close to the stance of classic fellow-travellers like George Bernard Shaw — in Shaw 's words , as seven million starved to death in Russia in 1932 , ‘ I have never eaten so well . ’
12 George Foreman , whose comeback as the roly-poly , cheeseburger contender has helped to hasten heavyweight boxing 's descent towards something dangerously close to the wide world of wrestling , recognised Lewis 's devastating performance as a sea change in the game .
13 But when one track came dangerously close to being ‘ rompalong , knees-up , power-pop anthem ’ the band quickly sabotaged it by sticking ‘ a cheesy drum machine behind it and turning the last two minutes into a total sonic attack ’ — much to the tearful bewilderment of their paymasters , left-field Belgians Play It Again Sam .
14 He wanted to spend some time quietly in the church , ’ he added in a vain hope that a confidence so dangerously close to intimacy , to his job as priest , might flatter her , might even silence curiosity .
15 This is coming dangerously close to saying that we can not find out how the brain works until we know how the brain works !
16 No further colonization could be attempted while the war with Spain went on , partly because ships bound for the North American seacoast were forced by the prevailing winds to go uncomfortably far north or dangerously close to the Spanish settlement in the south , but interest revived after peace was made with Spain in 1604 .
17 Stone also came dangerously close to giving the false impression that the GIs ' behaviour in the film was typical .
18 But since such progress is conceived as immanent to musical history itself , independent of variants of musical practice , social usage and reception , the theory moves dangerously close to a hypostasis of technique ; at the very least it confines the relationship between musical and social structures to the level of the longue durée , since at that level society is ‘ encapsulated ’ in music , while in between , music 's ‘ autonomous unfoldment … follows the social dynamics without a glance or any direct communication ’ ( ibid : 206–7 ) , still less putting itself at the service of particular social subjects .
19 dangerously close to the ground .
20 … particular care must be taken before stigmatising a decision as one at which no reasonable person could have arrived , for this is coming dangerously close to the court substituting its own discretion for that of the tribunal .
21 Once , when she caught Cissie with her head down , drying herself in the heat from the fire with her hair hanging over her eyes and dangerously close to the flames , her heart had turned somersaults .
22 However , the boundary between policy and administration is often blurred and civil servants may be led dangerously close to the discussion of policy .
23 So it was with no plans for the future that Troy found himself at Greenhill fair , dangerously close to Weatherbury .
24 I do n't think I have been fooled by artefacts , or overinterpreted my findings , though it is obvious even to me , let alone a critical outsider , that in fitting the data within a temporal cascade I have not formally proved all the necessary biochemical links ; some of my arguments have run dangerously close to the classical trap of assuming that post hoc implies propter hoc ; just because the phosphorylation step precedes the glycoprotein synthesis I can not automatically assume that the latter depends upon the former .
25 I was moving dangerously close to the potato peelings .
26 When , in a voice that is neither , he sings ‘ My arms were sure and strong ’ , a glance at his thin arms and meagre frame brings you dangerously close to a belly-laugh . ’
27 You see ( on your CCTV monitor ) some children playing dangerously close to the temporarily unmanned swimming pool .
28 It smelled of expensive cologne , and her skin tingled as he turned his head , his sensuous mouth drifting warmly , dangerously close to her cheek .
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