Example sentences of "suffering from tuberculosis " in BNC.

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1 We began to take men who had volunteered for the guards , but who had been found by senior Service Medical Officers to be suffering from tuberculosis .
2 These included not only the psychiatric cases but also those suffering from tuberculosis ( nineteen patients in 1945 ) and others con fined to hospital for long periods .
3 Next to him lies Mohamed , suffering from tuberculosis as well as malnutrition .
4 Dr. Goldsmith had reported the admission to the infirmary of a young woman , Phoebe B. , who was suffering from tuberculosis .
5 She was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine and was in a special bed ; accordingly , a motor ambulance would be required .
6 He was suffering from tuberculosis and had to enter a sanatorium at Mundesley in north Norfolk .
7 Despite suffering from tuberculosis , Wardell worked energetically and efficiently .
8 The report added that almost half of the total number of people infected with the AIDS virus were also suffering from tuberculosis and that the time taken for an HIV carrier to develop AIDS appeared to be " dramatically " shorter among people also infected with tuberculosis .
9 She was in fact suffering from tuberculosis .
10 PARENTS are facing an agonizing six-week wait after it was revealed that a hospital paediatrician is suffering from tuberculosis .
11 AN ALERT has been issued to 470 patients after a member of staff at a West Midlands hospital was found to be suffering from tuberculosis .
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