Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] in [art] eighteenth century " in BNC.

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1 And when racism exploded in the eighteenth century — to justify slavery — it wiped out any acknowledgement of African achievements .
2 A squat square chimney at Stone Edge , north-west of the village , marks the site of a lead-smelting mill established in the eighteenth century , and entertains a dubious claim to be the earliest industrial chimney in England .
3 The distinction crystallized in the eighteenth century , at a time when Nature became a category worthy of study , a distinct entity in the projects of the Enlightenment .
4 For Venturi , an important development in art criticism came in the eighteenth century which saw the foundation of aesthetics and the rise of philosophies for which art was an indispensable ingredient .
5 That is , people writing in the eighteenth century that th you know um it was appropriate for kids to be introduced to sex when they were around y'know sort of seven or eight or something in some cases .
6 Thus when population and prices rose in the eighteenth century the tenant foreros sublet at great profits to themselves since their payments to the foristas had long ceased to represent an economic rent .
7 Later , in a treatise written in the eighteenth century , Mémoire sur la manière de cultiver la vigne et de faire le vin en Champagne ( written , it is believed , by Jean Godinot c. 1718 ) , it is stated that the Champenois had begun to study how to produce a ‘ grey … almost white wine ’ some fifty years before , that is to say approximately 1668 .
8 Sea defences : To reinforce the shorelines of the coastal strips separating the Lagoon from the Adriatic ( including reconstruction of the sea walls or murazzi built in the eighteenth century by the Venetian Republic along the seaward edge of the Lido and the island of Pellestrina and badly damaged by heavy seas in 1966 ) .
9 The cows are not as good for milk as the Aubrac or Salers : there was crossing with Durham Shorthorns in the eighteenth century to help milk yields from an essentially draught-and-meat animal but this was discarded when it was decided to concentrate on beef from the end of the nineteenth century .
10 McRae and Cairncross ( 1984,2 ) argue that the growth of the City originated in the large volume of government borrowing in the eighteenth century to pay for Britain 's foreign wars ; the Industrial Revolution took place almost independently of the City , which thereby showed that it perhaps could survive on its financial wits as a major service centre .
11 It was quite a fine working model used in the eighteenth century by Sir Henry — a great-great-grandfather of the present Sir Henry .
12 The reasons for the declines of mortality and fertility are still not agreed ; nor the relative impact on mortality decline of the conquest of smallpox , the agricultural revolution , or environmental improvement ( Woods and Hinde 1987 ) ; why infant mortality fell in the eighteenth century but not in the nineteenth ; economic versus cultural explanations for the decline in fertility .
13 ‘ In the undoubted progress realized in the eighteenth century ’ , writes Vilar , ‘ was implicit a relationship between the various regions of the Peninsula quite distinct from that of the siglo de oro .
14 If such is the character of these places now , what must they have been like when both men and livestock could only get around them by boat , and parishes such as Dogdyke in Lincolnshire had in the eighteenth century ‘ not two houses communicable for whole winters round ’ .
15 It can thus be argued that Russia and Prussia have in the eighteenth century a very important and interesting administrative history but little real political , still less constitutional , history .
16 His arguments for the existence of God developed the ‘ Ontological Argument ’ of Anselm into the form which Kant criticised in the eighteenth century .
17 As Dr Berg has put it : " Certainly the home market grew in the eighteenth century , but its expansion was based on changing social relations and not on a national trend of rising living standards . "
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