Example sentences of "prepare [art] ground " in BNC.

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1 Prepare the ground now for planting hardy evergreen shrubs .
2 Prepare the ground as already described , then make up a mix of 1 cement to 5 sand , with a minimum of water .
3 What must seem stupid to non-gardeners , or those who take a rational view of the whole business , is that when you prepare the ground for sowing you first dig it over and make it loose , only to tread it firm again .
4 Prepare the ground with leaf-mould and a little bonemeal , and mulch with leaf-mould during a wet spell each summer .
5 Prepare the ground thoroughly by digging a trench about 25cm ( 10in ) deep ant 45cm ( 18in ) wide .
6 The way young children 's bodies are handled , the way their bodily needs are attended to , and the physical ambience of this early intimacy prepare the ground for feelings encountered later in life , when genital maturity allows sexual expression to be added to the repertoire of ways of relating and communicating .
7 The stag-fight between fathers and sons , for example , which allows children to leave home abruptly and in high dudgeon may , having achieved what was dreaded , prepare the ground for loving relationships to be restored on a new basis .
8 Participants in conversation draw attention to , or prepare the ground for , the kind of turn they are going to take next .
9 These processes participate in the building up of the ego and super-ego and prepare the ground for the onset of the Oedipus complex in the second half of the first year ( 1975 : 2 ) .
10 However carefully and thoroughly you prepare the ground , you can not possibly hold the whole complex totality of a novel in your head in all its detail at any one moment .
11 We aim to complete the single market , prepare for enlargement of the Community , support democracy and reform in the former Soviet Union and eastern Europe , and prepare the ground for carrying out the Maastricht treaty .
12 Their advice was not wholly disinterested , however , since there seems to have been a move in the Conservative Party at this time to replace Baldwin as Party leader by Austen Chamberlain , and so prepare the ground for another Conservative/Liberal Coalition-a reversal , as Cowling puts it , of the verdict of the Carlton Club which had destroyed the Lloyd George Coalition .
13 ( Bottom Right ) Whilst contractors prepare the ground for a smart new car park between the Pattern room and the Design Studio buildings , George Ballantyne ( right ) and John Rankin ( work 's slater and brick builders ) feed the cement mixer for the finishing touches to the retaining wall which they built .
14 Haushofer wished to contact Hamilton and have him prepare the ground among the company he kept .
15 everything , yeah and prepare the ground
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