Example sentences of "to defend itself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Government will have to defend itself at an international legal inquiry against allegations that the SAS operated a shoot-to-kill policy .
2 Fortunately the city has long been protected by the sorcerous Shifting Isles but its ability to defend itself in the event of a serious invasion has long been in doubt .
3 But in practical terms , the organizational imperative to avoid appeal means modifying demands in the course of negotiations if there is any suggestion that the agency might have to defend itself in an appeal : ‘ we try to see ’ , said a senior officer , ‘ there are no grounds for reasonable objection . ’
4 Heterodoxy or heresy originally arises as opposed to doxa , which takes the shape of ‘ orthodoxy ’ to defend itself from the heretical challenge .
5 Now , under the impact of guilt and remorse motivated by the positive side of the original ambivalent feelings for the father , the ego sought to defend itself from further conflict with its id by erecting safety measures which would protect it from such distorting and stressful impulses .
6 The point to remember , however , is that these mechanisms occur unconsciously , they 're things the ego does to defend itself from anxiety and from and the result of which is to force things into the unconscious .
7 IF AN ANIMAL is approached by a killer it may try to defend itself by giving its attacker a fright .
8 Less persuasively , a people which has had to defend itself against an enduring hostility is shown , for the most part , as free from fear , and , in particular , from the fear that exceeds and mistakes its objects .
9 But it is entitled to complain that it has to defend itself against attacks from an equally uneasy fusion of Daily Telegraph Toryism and free-market radicalism — so that it gets criticised both for going downmarket , and for not going far enough downmarket .
10 In this new atmosphere the legislature displayed a determination to defend itself against executive encroachment , not seen for some years .
11 There they were to face yet another situation , a large country whose main physical characteristic was open countryside ( ‘ plat pays ’ ) broken up by rivers , with the social and economic characteristic of castles and towns ( some already fortified ) which helped society to defend itself against enemies from both within and without .
12 Unless the US , upon withdrawal , left sufficient indigenous military strength to enable south Korea to defend itself against any but an overt act of aggression , US withdrawal could be interpreted as a betrayal by the US of its friends and allies in the Far East and might well lead to a fundamental realignment of forces in favour of the Soviet Union throughout that part of the world .
13 If South Korea is called upon to defend itself against aggression from the North its ground army is capable of doing an excellent job .
14 to defend itself against foreign
15 Classicism is now forced to defend itself against the onslaught of a disruptive non-classical culture with the result that the contemporary cultural sphere has polarised into two competing ideological positions which , for the sake of clarity , have been tabulated in Table 6.1 .
16 We also see , occasionally , the academic community rising up en masse to defend itself against some perceived external threat — usually further diminutions in its autonomy .
17 In both cases the ego seeks to defend itself against a passive relation to the superego and , in its manic symptoms , succeeds in convincing itself that it has been successful .
18 These data show , therefore , that the ability of the gastric mucosa to defend itself against noxious challenges depends on the integrity of its sensory innervation , whereas the rapid repair processes taking place after injury do not require an intact sensory innervation .
19 The British Field Sports Society is preparing to defend itself against another attempt in parliament to impose a ban on hunting .
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