Example sentences of "to perform the contract " in BNC.

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1 Contracts for the loan of money and supply of goods to infants and ‘ accounts stated ’ with infants were made altogether void , while the possibility of ratification was taken away from all those contracts which required ratification to make them binding upon him after attaining full age ; and even a new promise to perform the contract , whether made upon a fresh consideration or not , could not be enforced by action .
2 The Carrier shall be relieved of its obligation to perform the contract to the extent that the performance thereof is prevented by failure of the Trader , fire , weather conditions , industrial dispute , labour disturbance or cause beyond the reasonable control of the Carrier .
3 Thus where the buyer commits an anticipatory repudiation which the seller fails to accept as terminating the contract , the seller will be liable if he himself subsequently fails to perform the contract .
4 Either he can at once accept the anticipatory breach as a repudiation and immediately claim damages or else he can refuse to accept it as a repudiation and wait until there has been actual failure to perform the contract ( as opposed to an anticipatory one ) .
5 In the case of purely generic goods , if the particular goods which the seller had in mind to supply had in fact perished at the time of the contract this would not make it impossible for him to perform the contract .
6 The crop failure was an unexpected turn of events rendering it impossible to perform the contract which was therefore frustrated .
7 The failure of the crop of Blackacre will render it impossible to perform the contract in the first example , whereas in the latter case the contract can be fulfilled by supplying potatoes from any source .
8 said that conditions ‘ go so directly to the substance of the contract or , in other words , are so essential to its very nature that their non-performance may fairly be considered by the other party as a substantial failure to perform the contract at all . ’
9 Bound up with the question of compliance with specification is the question of acceptance , since , until the goods have been accepted by the buyer , the seller can not be sure that he has discharged his basic liability to perform the contract , even if he has delivered the goods to the buyer .
10 The importance of acceptance is that once it has taken place , the buyer can no longer reject the goods , claim that the seller has failed to perform the contract , and refuse to pay the price .
11 So far as cancellation and termination are concerned , in most conventional types of contracts , the seller would wish to perform , or be given the opportunity to perform the contract .
12 In respect of a registered contract the obligations of LCH are declared to be , as counterparty , to perform the contract as principal in accordance with the regulations , but subject to certain specified restrictions .
13 The first was based on the concept that a contract might contain a fundamental term — a core obligation — so that a failure to perform the fundamental term would amount to a total failure to perform the contract .
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