Example sentences of "forth across [art] " in BNC.

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1 The problem is that since West Germany also spies on its neighbour , a great deal of time is taken up with swopping convicted spies back and forth across the border .
2 And on one day of hard frost , Paul and Molly had slid back and forth across the shining ice , screaming with delight , watched by a bold robin who sat fearlessly nearby on a low bare branch preening the pale grey feathers that edged the bronze of his breast .
3 The top was of gleaming steel which Mrs Curdle rubbed up daily with emery paper , hissing gently to herself like a groom to a horse , as her busy hand slid back and forth across the satin of the surface .
4 Second , there was a local Indonesian vessel , the Gouveneur-Generaal Loudon , which was plying back and forth across the Straits between Anjer in Java and Telok Betong in Sumatra .
5 The helicopter trawled back and forth across the channel .
6 A fibreglass dinghy filled with delicate sounding equipment towed back and forth across the Channel was built at The Moorings , Mill Lane , the home of Mr. H. F. Mallett , a director of the marine survey firm Underseas Ltd .
7 It carries the scent of pine and tosses the juniper branches back and forth across the sun , so the ground and the roof of the shrine are slashed with creeping shadows .
8 Tilting Hārkini 's head to catch the sun , Kāli angled the reflection on to the wall , casting a stained-glass disc of red , yellow , green , blue and orange circles — splaying it back and forth across the wall according to the movements of her sister 's head .
9 All the next day , women filed back and forth across the bridge carrying basketloads of mal — the manured pine-needle bedding from the cow-byres of last year 's monsoon settlements on Jimale — to spread on the paddy fields directly opposite .
10 There at last were the now familiar figures moving back and forth across the sand .
11 With her generosity of spirit , she always forgave my sliding back and forth across the East-West or male-female barriers .
12 It seemed that the train would pull out leaving her and the hundreds of milling travellers still shoving each other back and forth across the dimly lit platform .
13 Your car will need to be equipped with a proper dog guard if at all possible , to prevent the dog from jumping back and forth across the seats .
14 Other ideas current in London include the sharing of departments between London and New York ( one team jetting back and forth across the Atlantic to catalogue sales ) and the dismantling of specialist departments in favour of more all-round teams of valuers .
15 After the completion of his second term as governor in 1975 , he was unemployed and had the opportunity to trail back and forth across the country making contact with local and state party leaders , raising financial support and fashioning a personal organization .
16 The issue of ‘ reprivatisation ’ , as it is quaintly termed , is also politically sensitive , and the Polish Sejm has been throwing it back and forth across the Chamber like a hot potato .
17 The builders then move these living tubes of glue back and forth across the leaf junction until the two edges are joined by a silken fabric .
18 Then it passes this living tube of glue back and forth across the junction of the two leaves until a white silken sheet has been created , linking them .
19 Without ceasing to play a wide beam of heat back and forth across the advancing hordes , Ace checked the power supply of her blaster .
20 A six-pack of beer , which someone had forgotten to stow away , slid back and forth across the cabin floor , over and over again .
21 Bars of sunlight broke through the slatted windows and swept back and forth across the floor , and the smell of the sea came up the carriage bearing memories of childhood outings .
22 Their voices echoed back and forth across the water like the calls of water birds .
23 The phone was in the crook of her neck ; she was wearing a scarab ring on her wedding finger and used the thumb and little finger of the same hand to twitch it back and forth across the knuckle .
24 Above her , in Richard 's bedroom , she could hear the slow deliberate footsteps striding heavily back and forth across the floor .
25 She idly watched a tame yellow warbler hopping back and forth across the window sill as Victor put the call through .
26 Drawn by light-stepping ponies , lowing bullocks , sweating , yellow-skinned men or smoking petrol and steam engines , unending processions of carriages , carts , rickshaws , trams , trains , cars , and motor buses were plying urgently back and forth across the drab plain of treeless rice fields , hurrying to complete their business before the heat of noon drove their passengers to seek shelter and shade .
27 A flashlight searched back and forth across the sleeping bodies of the coolies as the hulking figure of Duclos advanced down the barrack in a dripping black rain cape .
28 A videodisc player works on the same principle as a record player in that an arm moves back and forth across the disc .
29 He rounded a corner , passing three children kicking a football back and forth across the road .
30 He accompanied the earl on his military mission to the Low Countries in 1600–1 , travelling back and forth across the Channel as his confidential messenger .
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