Example sentences of "right to free [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the compulsion becomes specially evident when the right is a claim to something material , because what one has another must go without : a right to free travel is a claim to compel others to transport me at their expense ; a right to a pension is a claim to compel others to transfer part of their income to me .
2 This provided sickness benefit and the right to free treatment and drugs for members , as well as the choice of a local doctor from those who practised in the scheme ( 1911 National Insurance Act ) .
3 Even as he was preparing to uproot millions of peasants and to destroy their homes , Ceauşescu praised their patriotism in terms ringing with irony : ‘ In the toughest times , their forefathers did not desert the land where they were born , but in brotherhood with it , with the mountains , fields , rivers and great woods , they unflinchingly remained in these parts , defending their being , their right to free existence . ’
4 They argue that the ban is a disproportionate response to the mischief which the Home Secretary seeks to control , and is in breach of the right to free expression guaranteed by the European Human Rights Convention .
5 In my judgment , however , the law is not certain and it is necessary for this court to consider whether , having regard to the right to free expression , the law of libel can be held to extend to a local government authority .
6 2 Pipes The right to free passage and running ( subject to temporary interruption for repair alteration or replacement ) of water sewage gas electricity telephone and other services or supplies to and from the Premises in and through the Pipes that now serve the Premises presently laid in on under or over other parts of the Centre and ( if any ) the Adjoining Property ( in common with the Landlord and other persons having a like right ) The tenant should ensure that the grant of a right to use the service media should extend not only to the service media in existence at the date of the lease but also to those which may be provided during the course of the lease , subject of course to the perpetuity provisions .
7 This right should accordingly be amended as follows : The right to free passage and running ( subject to temporary interruption for repair alteration or replacement ) of water sewage gas electricity telephone and all other services or supplies to and from the Premises in and through the Pipes that now ( or at any time during the Term ) serve the Premises presently ( or at any time during the Term ) laid in on under or over other parts of the Centre and ( if any ) the Adjoining Property ( in common with the Landlord and other persons having a like right ) together with the right to enter the other parts of the Centre and ( if any ) the Adjoining Property to make connections to the Pipes and to inspect and repair such connections
8 Option ( b ) could have taken the following forms : ( i ) an attack on the forces/territory of those seeking to obstruct free navigation ; ( ii ) escort activity to defend merchant shipping seeking to exercise the right to free navigation ; and ( iii ) clearing wreckage or mines endangering free passage through Gulf waterways like the Strait of Hormuz .
9 The words used by the testator did not set up a trust , for they represented not testation with respect to his own property ( which would , of course , have been legitimate ) but an attempt to deprive one of his daughters of her right to free testation .
10 Levi noted that most of the republics had Jewish communities and said that Israel expected the republics to respect the communities ' rights , including the right to free emigration .
11 Fears grew that some pensioners and children might lose the right to free prescriptions , after Michael Portillo , chief secretary to the Treasury , warned of huge public spending cuts .
12 This Bill proposes that health benefits be available free to all receiving means-tested benefits — for instance , the disabled working allowance benefit , due to begin in April 1992 , could lead to claimants who take it up moving from income support to that benefit and thus losing the right to free prescriptions .
13 In some ways this was a symbolic move , since it raised little revenue : existing exempt groups ( children , pensioners , the chronically ill and those on Income Support ) retained their right to free prescriptions .
14 This is true even of immaterial rights : a right to free speech is a claim to say to others what they do not want to hear , and to do so , if necessary , thanks to the exercise of force against those who would like to interfere .
15 It is as if there existed a right to free speech , but that , before exercising it , one must submit to someone with a practically unchallengeable power of censorship a copy of one 's proposed speech for approval .
16 People in Great Britain really have no idea how fortunate they are in so many ways — the right to free speech , and even the ‘ right ’ ( ! ) to throw an egg at the Prime Minister and only receive a bill for the dry cleaning .
17 ( 2 ) Whether the right to free speech , whether as a right at common law , or under article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ( 1953 ) ( Cmd. 8969 ) , led to a different result in the case of a non-trading corporation which was also a public authority .
18 The judge gave short shrift to an argument based on the right to free speech , and held that it did not affect his primary conclusion as stated above .
19 The Home Office sanctioned this official display of force , but remained unwilling to prosecute Murphy — his right to free speech triumphed over the threat to public order .
20 This integrity was hardly preserved by stripping jurors of their right to free speech by a new criminal offence which itself carried no right to trial by jury .
21 No matter how damaging to individuals may be the consequences of a publication , the right to free speech must prevail unless the individuals possess an established legal right that the publication would infringe : In the case of Re X ( a minor ) the mother and stepfather of a sensitive fourteen year old girl sought to stop publication of a book which ascribed depraved and immoral behaviour to her deceased father .
22 Even if there were no public interest in publication , the right to free speech could not in principle be subordinated to the welfare of an individual whose established legal rights were not infringed .
23 This requires the individual to give up his right to free use of some or all NHS services and instead to look after his own health needs , either in the private sector or by paying the NHS .
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