Example sentences of "right to self-determination " in BNC.

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1 Of course , each German state retains the right to self-determination , but it can be only exercised in the context of other norms and principles of international law .
2 Mr Shevardnadze told members of the European Parliament that while the German people had the right to self-determination there would have to be ‘ political , legal and material guarantees that German unity would not eventually create a threat to the national security of other states and to peace in Europe ’ .
3 Suicide and attempted suicide ceased to be a crime when the Suicide Act 1961 became law , in recognition of the right to self-determination , but there remains an offence of aiding , abetting , counselling , or procuring the suicide of another which carries a maximum penalty of fourteen years ' imprisonment .
4 Many of the cases involve compassionate assistance , of the kind which may be necessary and justifiable if the right to self-determination is to have any meaning for those who are weak or bedridden ( e.g. responding to a request to bring pills ) , but not all are like this .
5 This grading of the offences may be seen as a compromise between the compassionate elements in the offences , which are related to the right to self-determination , and the need to protect the vulnerable from persuasion on such a crucial matter as the ending of life , an argument also derived from the right to self-determination .
6 This grading of the offences may be seen as a compromise between the compassionate elements in the offences , which are related to the right to self-determination , and the need to protect the vulnerable from persuasion on such a crucial matter as the ending of life , an argument also derived from the right to self-determination .
7 English law might be said to recognize a right to self-determination , inasmuch as suicide is no longer a crime , but that right does not yield a clear answer to the present difficulty .
8 The right to self-determination might realistically be extended to cover those who desire their own death but lack the resources or the strength to accomplish it : this is a strong argument for a mercy-killing defence or offence .
9 Yet , recognition of that extension might at the same time open up the possibility that vulnerable people who do not desire death , despite their suffering , might be killed by others for reasons of their own : this would subvert the right to self-determination , and is an argument against a mercy-killing defence or offence .
10 There was at this stage no general right to self-determination .
11 The public repudiation of Russian chauvinism was to offer the oppressed the right to self-determination , or as he now put it , so that there should be no ambiguity , the right to secede from Russia .
12 Now only workers and peasants should enjoy the right to self-determination .
13 All nations have the right to self-determination
14 They claimed the right to liberate themselves by armed struggle and they saw any recognition of Israel 's legitimacy as contingent on Israeli and American recognition of their own right to self-determination .
15 There was no evidence yet of the even-handedness necessary in a true peace-broker , for it did not demand of Israel recognition of the PLO , let alone recognition of the Palestinian right to self-determination , something the United States itself was not yet ready to concede .
16 Repeated UNLU communiqués called for recognition of the PLO , the refugees ' right of return , and the right to self-determination and the establishment of a Palestinian state .
17 It is about a principle for which people have been fighting and dying for centuries — the indisputable right to self-determination .
18 The US and British refusal to respect the wishes of the Arab people , and their indisputable right to self-determination , demonstrates that sadly , despite a changing world , the West is determined to hang on to its outmoded and intolerable attitudes and practices .
19 The philosophical premiss which underlies the general principle is the right to self-determination .
20 Clearly , the basis of paternalism — that decisions concerning a particular person 's fate are better made for him than by him , because others wiser than he are more keenly aware of his best interests than he can be — conflicts with the notion of a right to self-determination , whereby a person is deemed entitled to make his own decisions concerning himself , within tolerable limits , free from the interference of others .
21 For the set of circumstances in which the patient finds himself is a very great contributing factor to the possible inroads into his right to self-determination .
22 What is suggested is that the supposed right to self-determination may not be the creature it is thought to be .
23 Once expressly absolved , then by operation of the general principle of the right to self-determination , the other would incur no liability for the consequences of the absolution .
24 The polio patient 's equal right to self-determination should not be denied merely because he is helpless .
25 When Argentina recognises the right to self-determination and freedom of association of the Falklands people , and gives up her claim to sovereignty over the territory , we might be more amenable to trade and contact .
26 As such , it is not at odds with the ‘ litmus-test ’ of self-advocacy , seeming to support a view of people as potentially autonomous and with a right to self-determination within a less restrictive social milieu .
27 Associated status can be a means of fulfilling the right to self-determination , and limitations upon treaty-making and other foreign affairs powers can be a recognition of the limited economic and political capacities of micro-States .
28 This places the people in a dilemma ; while they reject the Compact of Free Association , the Trusteeship Agreement with respect to Palau remains in force , depriving them of their right to self-determination .
29 Collective rights have been less readily accommodated , as exemplified by the decisions of the Human Rights Committee that Article I of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on the right to self-determination is not amenable to the individual communication procedure .
30 However the right to self-determination has been indirectly considered through recourse to other provisions of the Covenant , notably Article 27 .
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