Example sentences of "setting forth the " in BNC.

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1 The sprawling retrospective of his work currently takes up the two vast floors normally devoted by the museum to setting forth the story of late nineteenth- and twentieth-century painting and sculpture .
2 The charter setting forth the terms of the agreement ends : .
3 Early in 1826 Hoyle wrote again to the Goldsmiths about the School , " setting forth the scantiness of its yearly funds and alluding to various repairs and expenses which have been occasionally borne at his charges , amounting to about £130 , and … the Wardens are satisfied that a very considerable increase has taken place in the Rents of the estates left for the Endowment of the School , affording means to the Company for extending the benefits of the institution " .
4 The CPV had made a number of errors in the past ; it had taken too much time setting forth the initial stage of the transitional period to socialism and had made " many mistakes " in reforming prices , wages and money and in ideological and organizational tasks .
5 Setting forth the goal of " establishing a new and equitable global partnership " , it affirmed that in order to achieve sustainable development , environmental protection should constitute an integral part of the development process , and not be considered in isolation from it .
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