Example sentences of "turned [prep] ash " in BNC.

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1 Optimism must always be tinged with anxiety for it not to become braggartism , and there were enough instances in the past , mainly at Olympic Games where British flames of hope had turned to ashes of despair , for a note of caution to be sounded .
2 I do n't know whether this is optional … is ‘ being severed in two , bowels turned to ashes and these ashes scattered over the face of the earth . ’
3 THE murder of two Turkish women and three Turkish girls in Solingen , a steel town near Cologne , has turned to ashes the assurances Chancellor Helmut Kohl gave in Ankara last month that violent racism in Germany was on the wane .
4 All turned to ashes because he had not trusted her , or the love she had given him .
5 All relationships turned to ashes sooner or later .
6 As he had flashed into her life , so he was destined to flash out of it again , leaving her heart and her dreams turned to ashes .
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