Example sentences of "gaze at [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She felt she could gaze at him for ever .
2 Now her self-confidence fled as he raised his hat , gazing at her as if she were a total stranger .
3 When she spoke , he turned his head slowly , gazing at her as if she were a stranger .
4 He was still gazing at her across the warm fog of the coffee bar .
5 Dunya , the cat , was perched precariously on the rim of the bath , gazing at her with ancient green eyes , her paws extended sphinxlike .
6 Did she imagine it or did a head of bronze curls pop round the door , and were a pair of peacock-blue eyes gazing at her with implacable hatred ?
7 He was gazing at her with an infuriating world-weariness suggesting he 'd heard her argument a hundred times before .
8 Francis and Elaine , clutching each other 's hands , were also gazing at her with wide eyes .
9 Uncle Philip broke the armour off a pink battalion of shrimps and ate them steadily , chewed through a loaf of bread spread with half a pound of butter and helped himself to the lion 's share of the cake while gazing at her with expressionless satisfaction , apparently deriving a certain pleasure from her discomfort , or even finding that the sight of it improved his appetite .
10 ‘ If you like , ’ he replied , gazing at her with wicked amusement .
11 ‘ More like a full metamorphosis , ’ he drawled , leaning back against the huge , craggy trunk of the tree and gazing at her with wicked eyes .
12 She smoothed a weary hand across her eyes and then looked up and saw Luke over the far side of the room , gazing at her with impenetrable eyes .
13 The woman behind the counter had been gazing at her through strong spectacles and now scratched doubtfully at her moustache with a thumb-nail .
14 She sees that Harriet is quietly gazing at her in the red firelight .
15 " Can I top you up , Mr Willoughby ? " asked Lucy in the most polished social manner that anyone could desire , and soon the Magistrate was drinking his third cup of hot water , and still gazing at her in fascination , or to be more precise , at the back of her neck , which was the part of her which most interested him .
16 Gazing at her in the hall was the stuffed body of Grandpa 's black clumber spaniel , Pickwick .
17 Across the table her younger son , Joseph , saw her cheeks burn , and she looked up to find him gazing at her in mystification .
18 Patrick was gazing at her in admiration .
19 Her heart sank as she saw Helen gazing at her in astonishment .
20 He is carrying his violin case , for some reason , and he is standing absolutely still , gazing at something with great absorption .
21 When Tom had finished , he found Willie gazing at him with adoration .
22 Not , however , when Charlotte sat opposite him in an eerily empty airport cafe and described her experiences in the United States while gazing at him with an expression implying what he most wanted to believe : that she trusted him unreservedly .
23 He saw the knot of people beyond the flames gazing at him in puzzled amazement , but they made no response .
24 Gazing at him in astonishment , Fabia only just held down a gasp .
25 But just before this happens , while the taste of melancholy on his tongue is strong enough to set off the sweetness of the place , and of his freedom to enjoy it , but not yet strong enough to overpower it , he sees the woman who is gazing at him from the balustrade of a terrace looking down on the street .
26 The maids are lovely to behold , combing their long tresses and gazing at themselves in hand-mirrors , while singing with exquisite sweetness on a rock near the water 's edge .
27 But he once explained that this was due merely to prolonged gazing at himself in a mirror . ’
28 He went on gazing at me for a moment , then asked : ‘ Everything in hand downstairs ? ’
29 This time Alison refused the bait , merely gazing at me with her large bovine eyes .
30 PAMELA : [ aside ] I feel so silly with my lord gazing at me from head to foot and Sir Jacob grinning and laughing like an oaf .
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